The pants are dead

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"This is the Freeman, The Combine's reckoning has come." "A man of few words aren't you?" "FORGET ABOUT FREEMAN WE'RE CUTTING OUR LOSSES AND MOVING OUT!" "quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there." "I am the last.....I am....the last." "I'm here to offer you....a job" "Dad, prepare for unforeseen consequences." "'s not shutting down...its...AUUUUUUUUUGH!!!" "HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!" "This one has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him." "Suspect, Prepare to receive civil judgment." "She's gone Gordon, she's Gone." "Our mutual Friend..." "When do we go home?" "Our own race...turning against us." "Freeman" "Gordon" "Dr. Freeeeemaaaaan" "Hello, Gordon" "The Freeman" "Gordon" "GORDON!" "FREEEEEEEMAAAAAAAAAAN"

"Mr. Freeman? Wake up." Gordon jolts awake. N, who was shaking Gordon trying to get him up from the nightmare he was having, jumps back a bit startled at Gordons sudden movement. Gordon looks around quickly. He rubs his eyes, not able to make out his own hand in front of him. "Oh yeah, here" Gordon feels something fall into his hands, his glasses. He puts them on and looks up to see N staring over him smiling. "V was acting cranky so I came out here and...You were having a nightmare." Gordon sighs as he gets up brushing the snow off the HEV suit. He gets up as he looks at N nodding a bit. " problem." Gordon scratches his chin for a bit until N breaks the silence. "Um...if it's ok to ask, what were you dreaming about?" Gordon stared at N, unable to answer his question, he shrugs slightly. "You don't even know right? Isn't that what dreams are like? Stuff that you don't understand?" Gordon nods a bit. "Yeah I have stuff like that too. The mansion, The people, the creepy Worker Drone. The old guy in the suit." Gordon quickly turns towards N, his eyes widened. "'ve seen him too?" Gordon nods remembering what G-man told him yesterday. "I'll be...interacting more...with your friends." Gordon knew that G-man had something planned for them if he's making himself known around them. And if there's one thing Gordon knows is that you don't want anything to do with G-man. "What do you think it means?" N innocently asks. Gordon quickly shakes his head waving his arms as if to say NO. N just looked at Gordon confused by his sudden hesitation towards N's curiosity, he frowned. "You're keeping something from me, aren't you?" Gordon shook his head nervously. N squinted as if trying to figure out if he's telling the truth or not. "Oookay....Just promise me you aren't hiding anything." Gordon nodded, as N turned around walking back into the pod. N turns back, with a sad look on his face. "Do you think Uzi hates me?" Gordon shakes his head as N smiles softly. "Thanks Buddy" N turns back and goes back into the pod. Gordon breathed a sigh of relief as he stared off towards the colony. Wondering what the hell is going on.

(IN STASIS) Assimilated Consequences: Half Life x Murder DronesWhere stories live. Discover now