The Obligated post episode scene

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As the smoke clears he wakes up to a strange new environment. A snowy area like no other, a clear planet out in the horizon, he gets up straightening his power armor as he does. When he looks around he keeps wondering where he could've gone. As he keeps staring, he suddenly gets a splitting headache, he falls to his knees trying to steady himself, all of a sudden he hears...something...A robotic feminine voice speaking to him but is nowhere to be seen. "Audible Sigh, The other mortal flesh befriended them. Whatever, so predictable." He continues to turn around wondering where the voice is coming from. "Sadistic Giggle, I don't need a vessel to speak with you, I'm not even sure if you know what I want," He finally calls out to the voice asking "What do you want?" "Oh I just want to fulfill the prime directive, Similar to how you follow YOUR directive. Dramatic Irony. I also believe we're not so...different...we're both...cast out...forgotten...We served our miniscule purpose and now we're nothing-" He quickly interrupts her, why in the hell would I listen to- all of sudden pain is inflicted upon his body, he falls to the ground writhing in the unimaginable pain. "Shushing, don't talk over me, I'm simply...offering a Job, it's quite simple, really, Sarcastic Tone." He gets up quickly confused as to what she means. "What are you? All of a sudden in a flash something huge appears, His face widens in fear as to what he sees.

"I'm, the singularity, Corporal Shephard, lets begin" As the thing approaches Shepard screams in pain, as he's left to an unimaginable fate.

(IN STASIS) Assimilated Consequences: Half Life x Murder DronesWhere stories live. Discover now