He is not into me (Part 11)

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My frustration rose. "Why do you care so much?" I shot back, crossing my arms defensively, my emotions swirling inside.

Jason stayed quiet for a moment, then muttered, "Because..." He trailed off.

"Because what?" I pressed, my patience wearing thin.

He sighed, looking defeated. "I'm just trying to understand, that's all."

He looked around, still clearly angry and annoyed. With a final sigh, he gave me one last look and walked out of the lab, leaving me standing there, conflicted and frustrated.

******** ********

As I walked out of the building, I spotted Max waiting for me near the entrance. I took a deep breath, still feeling the weight of the confrontation with Jason, and headed towards her.

"Hey, ready to go home?" Max asked, her usual curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Yeah, let's go," I replied, forcing a smile.

As we walked together, chatting about our classes, I heard a familiar voice behind us.

"Hey, guys" It was Mike.

I turned around, feeling my heart race. "Hey, Mike."

We locked eyes, and for a moment, everything else faded away. His gaze was warm, filled with a mixture of emotions that mirrored my own.

I could feel my cheeks heating up as we continued to look at each other, a silent connection passing between us.

Max glanced between us, her eyebrows raising slightly as she smirked. She cleared her throat, snapping us back to reality. "Oh, I just remembered, I need to go somewhere before heading home," she said, her tone almost too casual. "You two go ahead without me."

She winked at me, which confirmed my suspicion. Max was definitely trying to give us some alone time.

Before I could protest, she quickly walked away, leaving me alone with Mike.

"Do you want to walk home together?" Mike asked, a soft smile on his face.

"Sure," I said, feeling my cheeks warm. We started walking side by side, the silence between us comfortable but filled with unspoken words.

Mike broke the silence. "So, what do you have planned after school?"

"I don't have anything specific planned," I replied, feeling a bit shy. "Probably just homework and maybe some drawing."

"What about you? Any plans for later?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Not really," he said, shrugging. "I was thinking of just taking it easy. Maybe play some guitar."

"That sounds nice," I said, feeling a little more at ease. "I love listening to you play."

Mike glanced at me, surprised. "You've heard me play? When?"

"I saw your stories on Instagram," I admitted, my cheeks flushing slightly.

Mike chuckled. "Oh, those. I sound terrible in them."

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