Chapter 1

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I kept myself away from Yoongi as much As I could. I decided to get into my daily life as I used to live, Works after works but No matter what I couldn't concentrate. Yoongi's face was always infront of me. I have no idea what to do right this moment. I got married to him, Even though the name was not mine but we exchanged rings, vows and kiss to seal the promises.

My mind was saying to fuck it all and get out of this maze but My heart was reminding me about the wedding, my dream family planning. I was having a huge storm in my head. A huge conflict which I couldn't ever explain to anyone.

I was sitting in my cabin in my small office, my laptop screen opened in front of me but I barely did anything. I knew I couldn't focus on this. This is not easy right now. I sighed and decided to check on Yoongi. Even from far, I notice everything about him.

I was standing infront of his cabin, Looking through the small glass window. I smiled when I saw Yoongi's mother feeding him. He teared up, He has a human side which was hidden behind his mask. But finally he'll find a new way to live. It would have been better if they didn't involve me with him, he'll be happier.

I smiled when I felt a warm tear line caressed my cheek. I wiped it and about to leave when I bumped with those two men who traped me into this attachment thing.
As a family girl, I feel weak for families, bonding and they emotionally blackmailed me.

"You guys came to see Mr. Min?"

"Don't say Mr. Min now. Just practice calling him by his name. He's your husband, technically" Jimin spoke when I sighed

"You know what Jimin? This was not necessary. First if he had his memories then he would never accept me cause I'm not worthy of him and now he forgot everything, about everyone so there was no need to tell him that I'm his wife"

"Look Leena! It's for your good"

"What is good in this?"

"The marraige was unwanted, But now god had given you a chance to make yoongi fall in love, only for you. His memories erased so it'll be easy for you to make your husband fall for you and be happy with him"

I chuckled bitterly

"And what if he suddenly remember everything one day and blamed me for betraying him? What are you gonna do about that?"

"Leena! I'm really sorry I.. i didn't think about it but aunty wanted you to stay in his life.."

"And what About my life Jimin? Have you ever asked if i wanted this or not? You told me to take Yn's place, I did. Just to save her not to have a husband wife relationship with a mafia."

"He is a good guy, don't judge him cause of his Profession"

"Okay if I think that he's a good guy, but you know what? Good guys don't ruin others' lives. I saw his monstrous side so please don't defend him in front of me"

"Leena.. If anyone can change Hyung's life, it'll be you" Jungkook softly spoke.

"Well, Have you ever think if I loved anyone else or not? How can you be like this just to change your Hyung's life? What about my life? Tell me. I had dreams about my love life, family plannings.. Everything. And Just to save someone, Everything ruined. And now I have to act like a wife for someone who doesn't even remember me. Wow"

They hung their head low, maybe feeling guilty. I massaged my temple and sighed

"I'll help you and act like his wife. But in return I want you to take full care of my family, My father and my sister. I would like to see them in Min Mansion"

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