Chapter 54

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The days in the hospital passed in a gentle blur, each moment a mix of pain and healing, but mostly filled with the comforting presence of those I loved and who loved me.

The memory of the terror from the day I was shot was fading, replaced by the soft warmth of recovery and the caring touch of my family.

Yoongi was by my side every moment.

His presence was everything for my soul.

He seemed to have taken on a new role, a caring husband who never left my side. Whether it was the middle of the night or the bright of day, he was there-reading stories to me, whispering gentle words of comfort, and showering me with the kind of kisses that spoke of deep affection.

His knuckle kisses on my hand, the delicate press of his lips to my forehead-they all felt like a promise that he was mine, and he will always be mine. I couldn't feel but lucky to imagine this things happening to me. He and the family Meant to me a lot, Their love, their comfort was everything to me..

They had become my sanctuary. Each day, they filled the hospital room with their love and support.

My mom, my two dads, my sister, and my three brothers-Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook-were all there. Yn, my best friend, was a constant source of comfort, her presence a reminder of the deep bonds we shared.

The way they all surrounded me was like a healing embrace. It was as though, after the cruel twist of losing my mother in childhood, the universe had given me a new family, one that was Beautiful and loving than I could have ever imagined. Their love was overwhelming, a double blessing that I cherished deeply.

Yoongi, though, was the most surprising. He had always been distant, emotionally guarded, but now he was open and loving.

His actions spoke volumes about how much he had come to care for me. He would sit beside me for hours, holding my hand and talking to me about everything and nothing. The old, distant Yoongi seemed to have vanished, replaced by someone who was vulnerable, caring, and wholly mine.

Every day, I could feel myself healing-not just from the physical wounds, but from the emotional ones, too. The pain of the past was slowly giving way to a future that was filled with love and warmth. In this time of vulnerability, Yoongi and my family were my anchors, grounding me and helping me rediscover the joy in life.

As I looked around at the faces of those who loved me, I realized how fortunate I was. The trials we had faced had forged a bond that was unbreakable, and the love and care I received now were more than I had ever hoped for.


Yoongi was relentless as he tried to feed me the apple. I kept shaking my head, insisting I didn't want it, but he was having none of it. He looked at me with that familiar smirk, the one that always made me feel like a stubborn child.

"You know," he said, "I remember the time I was in the hospital, and you wouldn't stop pestering me to eat my apples." His tone was mockingly sweet, a playful reminder of how I used to be so insistent about his health that time..

I pouted and turned my head away, not willing to give in to his playful taunts. He reached out and gently cupped my cheek, making me look at him. His touch was warm, and his gaze was soft, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"If you don't eat this apple," he warned softly, "I might just have to forget we're in a hospital and feed it to you just like I did with your medicine that time when you were acting stubborn remember?" He chuckled, a teasing hint in his voice.

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