4| Party

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"Theo I swear to God" I yelled at Theo who's currently running away from me "I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to" he squeaked

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"Theo I swear to God" I yelled at Theo who's currently running away from me "I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to" he squeaked.

"What the fuck do you mean you 'didn't mean to' Theo they are my favourite!" I exclaimed catching up to him.

Just as I was about to catch him he hid behind Nicholas who had just entered the room with Matteo and Andrew.

"Save me the woman is going to kill me!" Theo said pocking his head out a little "yeah I'm going to kill you" I ran towards him but I was pulled back.

"Let's not kill anyone here, yeah?" Matteo said holding me back with his hands wrapped around my waist.


Cool cool

"Now why are you killing our dearest Theo"

"He spilt sauce on my favourite pair of sneakers"

"Theo you are a dead man walking" Matteo chuckled and he rested his head on my shoulder.

I've been living with the boys for 2 weeks now. Addy came on the first week and I've gotten closer with all the boys apart from Nicholas if I want to talk to him it's because we are arguing over something.

Just as Theo was about to defend himself my phone dinged.


Emilia🤍:hey wanna go out tonight?
Emilia🤍:there's this party being thrown by Max Whitlock
Emilia🤍:totally fine if you can't just wondering cause me and the girls wanted to go and we thought of asking you just in case

Me:I'd love to go out ,what time ?

Emilia🤍: be ready by 8pm we'll come by your dorm

I reacted with a thumbs up.

And I forgot to mention I made new friends and one of them is Matteo's twin sister.

Emilia Rossi.

"Ooh you're going to a party" Matteo said from behind me "yeah I am why?"

"Just wondering"

"Okay let me go now" he reluctantly let me go and I went to my room.

It's 4:30pm so I still have an hour 30 minutes till I start getting ready.


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