29|Birthday Twins

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"Shut up Theo" Drew whispered as we got into Matteo's room

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"Shut up Theo" Drew whispered as we got into Matteo's room.

It's the twins birthday today and we have fun activities planned.

"Okay 3...2...1"

"Happy birthday!" We yelled at Matteo woke up with a scream when Theo threw water on him.

"What the fuck?!" He screeched.

Then he realised "aww you guys are so sweet"

"Blow out your candles and make a wish" I said.

Though I'm sure he already made a wish cause he snuck out with Lia last night. I found out they sneak out everytime a day before their birthday and wish each other on the rooftop at 00:00.

I wish I had a twin.

"Now we have to get Lia, Dio and Rora said they are on their way with her she thinks we're all just hanging out" I shrugged taking a candle and lighting it up because why not.

Before I could touch the fire the candle was snatched from my hand.

I glared at Drew who pat my head and sat on Matteo's bed.

"They are outside get everything ready" Drew said looking up from his phone.

"Theo you should have the confetti we can't use water on her cause she'll cry" I explained to Theo who nodded.

We went towards the door just as it opened.

"Surprise!" We yelled once again and Lia became teary eyed.

"You guys are so sweet" she cried and I gave her a huge hug.

"Happy birthday princess" I smiled.

"We have a tight schedule so time for gifts"

The birthday twins sat down as we started giving them their gifs.

I got Lia Taylor Swift limited merch that she's been gushing about and I got her a book bouquet plus one of my cards.

I got Matteo Vinyls that he wanted of Eminem and I got him a new pair of shoes that he wanted but they were sold out so I pulled some strings.

Soon we gave them their gifts before leaving to go get ready.

Soon we gave them their gifts before leaving to go get ready

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