At Luxford Academy, the elite boarding school for the ultra-rich, Adriana and Nicholas have been bitter rivals since childhood. Forced to live in the same dorm, their once-friendly pranks have escalated into daily clashes-sharp insults, constant bic...
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I let out a tired sigh and shut my laptop before taking off my glasses.
I hated working but I had to do it if I was gonna be good for my dads company and I'm becoming CEO in the future but soon owning the entire thing and his been getting me to work and understand how it all works since we graduated.
And I've barely been getting any sleep.
I hear my elevator ding and my angel strolls in with an iced latte and a food bag while looking beautiful as ever.
"Hi?" I say but it sounds more like a question and she jumps.
"Oh fuck, you scared me" she says clutching her chest "didn't know you were coming over"
"Surprise!" She smiles and puts the things down before giving me a kiss and I return it.
"Hi baby" She mumbles against my lips as she stands between my legs with my arm wrapped around her waist.
"Hi angel" I say once we pull away.
"Anyway I was bored then I had nothing to do for the rest of the day cause I got back from some shitty meeting with some dude that likes to clap a lot then I went back to my penthouse and the others were busy with family and dates or whatever so I decided why not go see my boyfriend then I walked to Starbucks and McDonalds then I didn't know what you wanted at Starbucks so I decided to get you a milkshake from McDonalds and nuggets and some other things and now I'm here" She says all in one breath while I stare at her amused.
"You talk a lot, it's cute and I love it" I mumble leaning my face onto her stomach.
"Have you been sleeping?" She asks pulling my head towards her face as she scans my face "I didn't have my favourite pillows because you've been busy lately" I shrug.
"You've been busy as well, last time I came over and you didn't even notice me cause you were caught up on your laptop!" Adri suddenly bursts and plops down on my thigh.
"I'm sorry, baby how can I make it up to you" I say running my fingers through her hair which looks straightened.
A grin spreads out on her face and she turns to me " a sleepover"
"Not that easy sleepover that we usually have but a different one, me and Addy used to do it all the time we'd go out and walk around the city and sometimes we'd get lost depending on what city we were in then when we get back to one of our houses we'd take fake pictures, do face masks and makeup but you'd be hopeless at makeup" she takes a breath.
"Anyway we'd then bake but I'd end up burning something cause I can't cook for shit, then we'd go to bed am cuddle while wrapping ourselves in a burrito" she smiles and I can see her eyes getting glassy.
"And you want us to do that?" I ask softly and she nods before a tear slips out her eyes but she wipes it quickly.
"Baby you don't have to bottle your emotions" I tell her softly turning her around so she's straddling me.