At Luxford Academy, the elite boarding school for the ultra-rich, Adriana and Nicholas have been bitter rivals since childhood. Forced to live in the same dorm, their once-friendly pranks have escalated into daily clashes-sharp insults, constant bic...
They are going to be changes of povs a lot I think anyway
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I don't understand girls.
Adriana Fernandez to be specific.
She kisses me then she just leaves with a pat on my shoulder and 'thanks for that bro' like what the fuck.
Then she's been ignoring me ever since we came back from camp.
I think it's cause she was drunk.
But to be fair I haven't been speaking to her as well.
She's been there—at school, in class, at lunch—but it's like she's behind some kind of invisible wall. One that I can't, or maybe won't, break through. It's been days now, and every time I catch a glimpse of her, my stomach does this weird flip.
"Bro you okay?" Drew snaps me out of my thoughts and I nod before going back to do my work.
The bell rings and I leave the class with Drew heading to my next class. That's when I see Adriana with her arm linked with Mason.
I purposely scoff when we walk past them "what was that for?" Drew smirks "what was what for?" I asked.
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I'm walking towards my dorm to go grab my English essay when I see Nicholas making out with Josie, who is one of Natalie's minions.
It's like they don't even care about who is seeing them they are just going at it which is sad and I thought Nick had higher standards.
I feel a pang of jealousy-
No wait stop we can't be jealous it's just Nicholas and Josie
But it could have been someone else like someone that doesn't open their legs to everyone.
As I'm walking past them I mumble 'bitch' and walk away.
I don't look back to see if they heard me. I just keep walking like I didn't see what I just saw. It's no big deal. He can kiss and fuck whoever he wants and so can I. It's not like we're anything, it was just a stupid kiss, right? Still the image of them is burned into my mind, and it makes my skin crawl.