Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I bored out of my fucking mind. I'm currently in isolation while the teacher watching me is just typing on his laptop.
I raise my hand up "yes Adriana."
"Can I go to the toilet please it's an emergency and I need to-
"Of course" he cut me off from my rambling about period he said that I can go to my dorm as well to have a rest if that will help.
I grabbed my bag and left the tiny room that annoys the fuck out of me.
I did not go to the toilet instead I went straight to my dorm.
I plopped down on the couch and just scrolled through instagram when I received a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: Good morning 🙃
I checked the caller ID and found out it was my ex, does he want me to burn down his other house?
Me: It was one, till you texted me
Unknown: Still mad that I cheated?😂
Me: Record yourself saying that and send it to me I wanna see how stupid you look actually saying it
Unknown: You've become so mean 😒
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Me: YoU'vE beComE So MeAn
Me: BitchUnknown: if I had a chance to cheat on you again I would do it without a second thought 🖕
Me: Bro actually thought he ate💀💀
Me: But atleast you know that you won't have a chance ✨Self awareness✨Unknown: I just used you for your body your actually ugly
Me: Bro you and I both know that's a lie😂
Me: Oh ADriAna YoU CaNT Do tHiS To mE, I LoVE yOu
Me: I'm mimicking you when I broke up with you.

One Temptation
RandomAt Luxford Academy, the elite boarding school for the ultra-rich, Adriana and Nicholas have been bitter rivals since childhood. Forced to live in the same dorm, their once-friendly pranks have escalated into daily clashes-sharp insults, constant bic...