At Luxford Academy, the elite boarding school for the ultra-rich, Adriana and Nicholas have been bitter rivals since childhood. Forced to live in the same dorm, their once-friendly pranks have escalated into daily clashes-sharp insults, constant bic...
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"Honey, I'm home" I yelled as I got into my dorm.
I've always wanted to do that.
"Hello mother" Theo asks popping out of his room.
"I come bearing presents"
"Oh my what did you get me!?" He squeals "get everyone else first" I tell him and he gets the rest of the boys.
"Now sit down" I say as they all come into the living room.
"So I got some presents when I went out with the girls" I say grabbing the bag.
"For Theo I got a sticker book" I smile and hand Theo his book and he accepts it with an offended look and I hear Nick snort.
"For Drew I got you legos" I say handing Drew his presents and he also accepts it with an offended look.
"For Matt I got you a cooking set" I smile and hand it to him "I've always wanted this one now I can practice my cooking" he says sarcastically.
"And for Nick I got you a toy car" I say very enthusiastically handing him the car he just gives me a 'are you serious' look.
"And for all of you—can I have a drum roll please" I say and Theo and Matteo give me a drum roll "thank you guys"
"Anyway for all of you I got" I pause and slowly remove the thing from the bag "a time out chair" I said showing them the small pink unicorn chair.
And they all look disappointed and offended.
"You guys have been annoying the shit out of me with your messiness so Dio told me to get you guys a timeout chair" I shrug unboxing it and putting it in the corner.
"There now help me clean up then I'll send you off to play with your toys" I says teasingly.
"I'm not even going to use this" Theo scoffs.
"Sure" I mumble and go into the kitchen when I tell the boys what they are doing.
I'm dealing with the kitchen cause I don't trust them in the kitchen, I can trust Matteo, kinda but I want to clean it myself.
I'm washing the dishes when I feel strong arms around my waist and I immediately know who it is "baby" Nick whispers "yes my love?"
"I need cuddles"
"You're childish and I'm busy aren't you supposed to be helping Theo?" I ask him and he fucking whines "Me and Theo are done what I need is you"
"I'm almost done then we can go cuddle in my room and watch something" I say to him "now be a good boy and go play with your car"
"Yes μαμά" he smirks at whatever he says and then goes. Mommy.
I finish up in the kitchen and then go around the dorm and add the little scented stick things.