1- Creation of Tensura

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Long ago before the world was created. Rimuru Tempest the first true dragon of the world resided in loneliness because only she and her partner Ciel were the ones in existence.

Bored she decided to create a younger brother who was named Veldanava. She had a random like for the word 'Vel'. She wasn't satisfied with Veldanava only.

She wanted a little sister as well as Veldanava did too. Any older brother dreams of having a little brother or sister, to dote on them, pamper them, play and protect them, eetc.

That's how Velzard the Ice Dragon was created in existence. All the powers of Velzard and Veldanava were related to and originated from Rimuru.

Rimuru and the two of his creations were cheerful, happy and fun to be with so Rimuru decided to make them her siblings even though they could be called her children.

They spent almost a millennium with each other. Veldanava and Velzard were attached to Rimuru very much and Rimuru was happy for it. But still the loneliness of Rimuru didn't disappear.

At the centre of the void where there was nothing, it felt empty to Rimuru so she decided to create a world. A world named Tensura. Yes Tensura was created by Rimuru.

Bechare the world was newly created and there were no lifeforms in the world yet and it would take a lot of years according to the time set in Tensura for it to have any lifeforms.

Rimuru was suggested to take a nap or more specifically a long sleep by Veldanava. Rimuru thought about it and decided to accept it. She gave a little more power to Veldanava and made him the guardian of the world.

Velzard was to just not destroy the world and enjoy herself. That's how Veldanava became the ruler of the world with Velzard his sister. Due to Rimuru requesting for secrecy, she wasn't mentioned as a True dragon neither was her existence told.

Void Dragon Rimuru TempestWhere stories live. Discover now