10- Destined ones and Meeting with Gazel

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A/N: I left you at a cliffhanger and if  you are unhappy then this chapter will make you a bit more unhappy. Muhahahha.... Guess the ones yourself later.

The crystal shown with another light and another individual appeared on the crystal.

This person was also a young lady in her 20's. She had black hair and her face was not completely visible but she was covering her face with a mask.

"Wow miss, you have two people."

"I don't know them though."

As they were talking, the crystal again showed a bright light and this time a new face appeared on the crystal.

This person was also a girl or more specifically a mature young lady. She had white hair and was very beautiful.

"Wow miss, a third one. You sure have a Harem of beauties as your destined one. Thinking or adding another?" An elf souding excited exclaimed.

Rimuru didnt answer her though as his eyes were fixed on the face that had appeared.

<I told you it will a shock of your life.>

'How, why is she here on this? This is a joke right? '

<Not actually. This ball does have some powers and if the course of actions of fate are as of the one you chose, it will be true.>

'I will not talk about this matter. This matter will be buried here and now. '

<Hehe... >

[Did you guess them? Do comment dow and if your right I will tell it to you.]

When the little 'party' at the bar was over, Rimuru went to stay at a nearby inn recommended by the dwarfs.

The next morning when she was eating breakfast at the inn, Minister Vesta followed by many city guards came to the inn.

"By the order of the king, we are here to detain you and present you to the court." Vesta said that and pointed out to Rimuru.

"Co operate with us or we will take drastic measures. We will be taking you to the court." The leader of the guards who came with Vesta said that to Rimuru.

Rimuru was angered but didn't show it on her face.

<Meeting with the king would be more beneficial as his unique skill would tell him about you Mistress.>

'I already thought so.'

"Oh well, I am coming with you."

Rimuru went along with the guards to the court of the king. On the throne a dwarf with majestic aura was sitting when Rimuru was presented by the guards infront of him.

The person on the throne glanced at Rimuru and was surprised to see a young lady.

[If you are wondering why didn't he get enchanted by Rimuru is because Ciel had suppressed any of her charm and charisma leaking from her.]

"You are Rimuru Tempest? A little girl like you has been working with traffickers and smugglers?" The King asked looking at her.

Rimuru saw him and thought to herself. 'So this is King Gazel, the king of Dwargon and the most powerful Dwarf in the country.'

While Rimuru was assessing the King, King Gazel was also using his skill on him and assessing him.

The results shocked him though.

'What is this? My unique skill has no effect on her and I cannot get past her. I cannot get any information about her even with my skill?'

'Does she have a unique skill or is she stronger than me?'

'Is she a friend or a foe?'

'If she is stronger than me and someone who is not our for them it may be very dangerous going against her. I must be careful.'

"I did nothing of the sort, Your majesty. These are false accusations on me by your Minister Vesta." Rimuru replied.

"And could you please turn off your Unique skill. Although the skill is very weak, it's very annoying as a mosquito biting you here and there frequently." Rimuru said that in a bored tone.

"The insolence. You are in presence of a King, respect must be shown. We can easily behead you right here and right now." A minister who was angered by Rimuru's words said that to her in anger.

"First of all. All of these are false accusations.

Second of all. I am a Queen of my own nation. My nation is a nation of monsters in the middle of the Jura Forest.

Third, I came here to build friendly relations with this country and try to work things out instead of outright domination over it.

And lastly, I am much stronger than your King. If you don't believe, ask him. " Rimuru said that in a serious tone.

" The insolence you fool. Your majesty she has dishonoured you and claims to be a Queen herself. Shall we kill her for her mistakes.

Even if she is a Queen, with our military power we can easily wipe out her country.

A nation of monsters is nothing but trouble and also he claims to be stronger than you. Please show this fool how wrong she is." The minister berated Rimuru and praised King Gazel. He spoke these worda when he turned towards the King.

King Gazel who had not said anything after his initial talk, sighed.

" Carl, calm down. This person is correct. She is likely a very powerful individual. Even if she is not a Queen, she must be very important." King Gazel said that to his minister who was called Carl. She was a minister related to the military affairs of Dwargon.

" You claim to be stronger than me but your aura is weaker than me. Prove it to me how are you stronger than me." King Gazel turned towards Rimuru and said to her calmly.

"Although my Unique skill doesn't work on you, this doesn't mean that you are stronger than me as your aura is weaker than me."He continued.

They both had decided to battle it out with a duel. So they headed for the arena in the training ground of the troops.

There were countless people who had come to watch the battle between King Gazel and Rimuru. The knights, the common people were there to watch the duel.

The refree asked them both before starting while gazing at Rimuru.

"Do you know the rules of the Duel? No killing is allowed and no fatal wounds are allowed."

They both nodded and the duel was then commenced by the refree. The refree had experience in umpiring in duels. He was also the one who was usually the refree whenever there was a tournament or a battle at the arena.

The people present were cheering for King Gazel and no one even has the thought of cheering for Rimuru.

Rimuru and King Gazel gazed at eachother.

Void Dragon Rimuru TempestWhere stories live. Discover now