5- Velzard and Guy & Rimuru meets Veldora

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Guy was waiting for Velzard since her return. He was very interested in her dealings with someone who she told that is stronger than him.

In this world there are only three people now two, who are stronger than him.

One of them is Veldanava who is now dead. Second one being the God of Evil , Ivaraj and lastly the Spectre Lord, also nicknamed the Watcher, Feldway, the strongest and the leader of the seven Primordial angels created by Veldanava.

If this entity is neither of them and is stronger than him, then it means that it either his his/her identity or is a being like Veldanava, a God.

Guy was appointed as a mediator by Veldanava. He needs to balance the world at all times. Currently Guy is free from these responsibilities as there is no one to supervise him.

Yes Velzard can be called a superviser but she is not stronger than him, so he can and could also not fulfil his responsibility. It depends entirely on him. Still he decided to keep thee balance because he didn't want such a entertaining world to be destroyed due to his carelessness.

Velzard faced Guy and spoke, "At least you kept your promise to not spy on us."

"Haha... I did. Now tell me what is this 'object' that your brother kept and you needed to 'retrieve' it."

"You sure have a new necklace. You got a partner or something. Someone strong enough to be a partner of a true dragon. Who could it be?"

"Shut up Guy! I didn't get a partner. It was given to me by that person. To ensure my safety."

"A new being has risen in the world who is supposedly stronger than me. Is he a true dragon on the same level as Veldanava?"

"I won't say anything about that person but your guess is near the mark. "

" We will be ending the conversation here Guy. Do not ever try to control me. "

" Wow you sure got confidence. Very well I need to perceive the strength of this being before I do anything else. "

" Is that person a male or female. At least give me a little information. "

" She is a female. " Velzard replied. Adoration was not clearly visible but was enough for Guy to know that Velzard adored this person who is also a female.

Rimuru's side:

Rimuru was in deep thought. She had wanted to go to a secluded area and she had chosen the Jura Forest but when he used her powers to survey everything around, she was a bit surprised to find that her youngest brother, Veldora had been imprisoned in that area.

She directly used her powers to check why and how was he imprisoned there and after knowing that the hero had imprisoned him because he had been creating havoc unnecessarily for his enjoyment.

She decided to free Veldora and see if he has even a bit of regret and self - reflection on the matter. If he didn't she will need to teach him some manner and if he did then it's all well and good.

Veldora was currently resting himself in a cave where he was imprisoned. There were many creatures and herbs and plants in the dungeon created by his careless leaking of mana and aura of a true dragon from his body.

"I want to be free. My nee-sans haven't visited me once since my imprisonment. "

As if answering his prayers, a pure white and bright light which blinded him for a second shown there and a person appeared there.

Veldora thought that the blue haired beauty sure is beautiful and has a majestic aura around her.

"Who are you? How did you come in here? I am the mighty dragon Veldora, I can kill you easily."

Rimuru after hearing this, immediately understood that he didn't havea slight but of self reflection about his actions and requires more discipline

"Idiot! Is this how you great a person? You are truly stupid as she said. You need to be disciplined."

" Huh who are you talking about and who are you to discipline me?"

" A weak mortal like you dares to discipline me? I am in good mood so leave before I eat you for my snack."

Rimuru was truly irritated by his behaviour and conjured a spell. The spell was then slapped on Veldora's face and he fell down.

From a mighty dragon to a bullied dragon. What a reversal. Who could have guessed?

" Who are you human? You dare to hurt this lord? I will kill you!"

Veldora tried to attack using his strongest spell he could conjure. It was his unique skill.

Rimuru flicked his fingers and the effect of the unique skill was nullified.

" If you think you can defeat me with just some Unique or Ultimate skills then you are a big fool. "

" As for who I am. You are so ignorant that you can't even see my true dragon factor."

Veldora was shocked and he focused on Rimuru and the result he found was that she had a true dragon factor. The same as his sisters and his eldest brother, the creator.

" Are you a new true dragon? I am your elder brother. Show me respect and I will forgive your insolence."

" You truly need a beating. Velzard was correct. You are a fool and nothing more. It is better for you to be imprisoned."

" Huh you met sister? Did you meet sister Velgrynd as well?"

" No. I will meet her in the future but soon. "

" Enough talk. You want to fight me and be imprisoned here for forever?"

" Nooo.... I don't want to be imprisoned anymore. I want to go out. I want to be free. "

" I can free you but you will be following me and if you have any questions, I will need to invite Velzard over for you."

" No problem... No need to call sister over. I will follow you, little sister."

" I am not your younger sister but your older sister. I am older than you. Show me respect or else ...."

" Yes yes nee-chan as you say."

This is how a mighty storm dragon Veldora was released from imprisonment after becoming a 'servant' for his elder sister.

" What exactly are you doing here sister. I don't believe that you came just to rescue me right?"

" For once! For once you have talked something with common sense. And I am here for something I won't be revealing. Just keep following me and do not question unnecessarily!"

" Is the Jura Tempest under your jurisdiction?"

" Yes sister. It is under my rule. I am the guardian. Do you need something from this area?" Veldora replied after proudly puffing out his chest.

Rimuru glared at him but decided to not say anything. Veldora backed down to his normal state after her glare.

" Listen then. The first step of my plan is ...."

Void Dragon Rimuru TempestWhere stories live. Discover now