11- Dueling King Gazel

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Rimuru and King Gazel were facing each other in an arena while both of them were in a sword stance of their own.

King Gazel was not happy that his Unique skill had no effect on her but he didn't lose his will due to this small reason.

'Lets see if she is truly as strong as she claims to be or she is just bluffing her being a Queen. '

'Maybe my Unique skill is being cancelled out by her skill or something. Maybe she also has Unique skill. That maybe the source of her confidence. '

King Gazel was in his monologue but he was not a least bit unguarded against Rimuru. He knew a little carelessness can cause someone to lose a battle and he was not one to make such a mistake as underestimating one's opponent.

Start"!! The refree announced the start of the match between them.

Gazel immediately attacked Rimuru using his sword but Rimuru easily parried his attack with her sword in one hand.

This made Gazel take Rimuru as a very strong and worthy opponent. The dumbfounded audience just kept being dumbfounded.

They couldn't accept that the King that they were very proud of was nonchalantly parried by this person.

Gazel immediately tried to use a faint. He attacked with his sword which was a faint, he then used his kick to attack her waist and tried to disbalance her. Lastly he followed up with a sword strike at the leg to sweep her off the floor.

Reality is often cruel. As soon as Rimuru was attacked, she immediately counterattacked towards the waist of Gazel and he was thrown off guard by the kick. He tried to defend but the force used in the kick was much stronger than he anticipated which led to him being knocked off the floor.

"You are very powerful. I will use my most powerful skill at you. Be careful if not might kill you." Gazel said to Rimuru

Rimuru replied, " Throw me whatever you can because I believe it won't even hurt me."

The audience was also listening in on them. Many booed and mocked Rimuru for her overestimation of her powers.

Gazel gathered all the energy he could gather at the top of his word and used his fighting skill which he had learned in a war in his younger days. He directed his sword and swung at Rimuru.

Gazel knew that this attack would never harm Rimuru seriously considering her powers but should be able to attend least wound her.

" Show me what you got, Miss."

" Your attack is weak. Still I will humor you using some of my powers for your considerations."

Rimuru brought her hand forward and a dark light gathered at his hand. It was not a dark light but a skill.

" Devour the attack, Gluttony King Beelzebub!"

The attack was swallowed leaving the audience, the refree, the King and the retainers all stupified and speechless.

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