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Chapter 2

"Pound it", said Ladybug and I as we fist bumped each other.

"We still have more time. Want to do anything in particular?", asked Ladybug.

I wasn't really listening. I was looking for akumas. It's only been three days since I became the guardian and I'm already stressing way too much. Yesterday we fought Luka who was akumatized and today we fought Mr. Ramier.

"Kitty", said Ladybug.

My ears perked. "Yeah?", I asked.

"Do you want to do anything today?", she asked.

"Let's go swim a movie", I said pointing towards the swimming pool.

"The swimming pool is that way and the movies are the other way. Make up your mind", she said.

"Movies", I said, as the both of us jumped that way.

We went to a movie which had the fewest number of people there. And it was a love drama. "This is so dumb", said Ladybug.

"Yeah, the girl would never fall in love with that guy because she's in love with someone else. But the guy she's in love with probably doesn't notice her. But then it's too late to like the first guy. Because he moves on to someone else who he really doesn't like. So the girl and the guy are in an awkward position", I said.

Ladybug looked at me with widened eyes. "Chat Noir, if this is about me rejecting you. You're still an amazing person, you know", she said. The both of us walked out of the movie theater. What's wrong with me and what am I saying? "Kitty say something".

"Let's go swimming", I said, pointing at the swimming pool.

After 30 minutes I jumped into my bed. My door was locked. I got my father placed in blinds so that no one would see me transform or the kwamis. But he only did it because I told him it was an invasion of privacy.

"Why don't you de transform?", asked Wayzz.

"No, this way I will be ready for any akumatized villain. I wouldn't have to waste a second", I said.

"I got this", said Sass, as he made his way towards me. "Why don't you use the box thing to talk to your friends?".

"What's there to talk about?", I asked. "I'll just have to lie to them again and again".

"Well, Plagg might be tired and it's about time he ate that piece of camembert that was left on the back shelf", said Sass.

"Plagg, claws in!", I said, as Plagg flew into my hands. "Are you okay?".

"Obviously better than you", he said, as he floated. "I need my cheese!".

I heard a knock on my door as I signaled the kwamis to hide. "Come in Natalie!", I said.

"Hey my dude", said Nino. I immediately got off my bed and approached him.

"Hey", I said.

"Is everything alright?", he asked.

No. The miracle box is sticking out of the drawer. You're going to see it. "Yes", I said.

"What's that?", asked Nino, as he approached the drawer. He was about to pull the drawer but the handle broke.

"No!", I yelled, pushing him away.

"What is it, man?", asked Nino.

"It's broken", I said.

"You can fix it", said Nino. "You're rich". My eyes softened and he noticed it. "Adrien, I'm your friend. You can tell me if there's a problem".

"Maybe I don't want you as my friend", I said, as soon as I felt the drawer threatening to slide out. Nino gasped. "Leave". He sadly walked away and out of the room. I fell to the ground as the drawer slid out revealing the box. All the kwamis flew out.

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