The Party

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Chapter 9

"Guys", I said, as I finished getting ready.

"Yeah?", asked the kwamis.

"You need to hide. Today my father is having some kind of dance. That means people like Kagami and Felix will be in my room", I said.

"Okay", said Fluff, as she gave me a concerning look and flew into the box. Everyone else followed as Plagg hid in my jacket.

I walked downstairs and stood at the entrance with my father as we greeted all the guests. I looked up and saw a girl who had blue hair in a ponytail, carrying plates. She looked familiar.

"Hey, do I know you?", I asked, as I tried to approach her.

"No you don't know me. I don't know anyone", she rambled as she walked away.

"Audrey, you're here", said my father as he kissed her hand.

"Hey Zoe and Chloe", I said, as I greeted the twin girls. I saw Zoe making eye contact with the girl I ran into before.

"You do not say my sister's name before mine", said Chloe, as she looked at her friend.

"Oh, um sorry", I apologized.

"It's okay Adrikins", said Chloe, as she faced Zoe. "Don't talk to me. I can't get caught being near you".

Chloe walked away. I looked at Zoe and felt bad. "You shouldn't let your sister walk over you like that", I said.

"What if the things she says are true?", she asked.

"You might always feel like you're not enough, but to some people you are more than that. So never give up", I said, as she smiled. She walked away.

"Gabriel, what a pleasant surprise", said Amelie, as Felix and her walked up. I saw my father and Felix glaring at each other.

"Uncle, you can have this back", said Felix, as he handed my father a ring.

"Thanks", said Gabriel, with an icy glare. "Adrien, take these children upstairs".

"Come on guys", I said, as Kagami, Felix, Chloe, and Zoe followed me. The girl I ran into earlier trailed behind us.

We all were sitting in my room as the awkwardness intensified. Zoe dragged me aside. "Why is Felix here?", she asked.

"You know each other?", I inquired.

"", she said, as she looked down. She must've had something to tell me.

I looked up and saw the kwamis watching me from above. They gave me an amused expression as they flew back into the box. "I need to show Gabriel a video", said Chloe, as she held up a chip.

"Chloe, we're not allowed to use phones", I reminded, as she walked away.

"I'll go after. I know how to handle little children really well", said the earlier girl, as she ran after Chloe.

"I'm going to go downstairs", said Felix, as he walked out.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zoe", said Zoe, as she stuck her hand out to Kagami.

"I'm Kagami", said Kagami, as she smiled a little.

I ran outside as I heard screams. "I'll hide. You guys find another hiding spot", I said.

"No Adrien", said Kagami. "You stay here. I'll fight it".

Kagami grabbed my fencing sword and ran out the room. "Guess, I'm staying guard?", asked Zoe.

I looked at Wayzz and Barkk who were floating at the top. They rushed into the miracle box. I looked up and I saw a bunch of bouncy balls falling on us. Oh no, Xuppu. The balls quickly filled up the room, burying Zoe and I underneath. Once I was completely submerged under the balls, Plagg flew out. "Plagg claws, out", I whispered.

I peaked my head out and jumped on the other side of the room where I saw Zoe sticking her hand up. "Oh hey Chat Noir", said Zoe.

"Hey", I said, as I pulled her out. "Are you alright?".

"Yeah, but what about Adrien?", she asked.

"I brought him to safety", I said, as I made her sit on the stairs.

"Thank you", she said, as I jumped out of the room.

I looked around and saw my father, the collector fighting Ladybug. This time he didn't have a book but he had an ipad. He kept jumping around trying to get Ladybug. I jumped next to Ladybug as the both of us battled the villain.

"Hey kitty", she said.

"Hey Bugaboo", I flirted.

"I wish he had the book so he would have run out of pages this time", she groaned. "Lucky Charm!". She received a box full of plated. I had an idea.

I ran to Nino's room. "Hey my dude", greeted Nino.

"My father got akumatized", I said, as I felt my yoyo appear. I grabbed onto it and opened it. "I'll need Carapace". He nodded.

I soon landed in Max's house and handed him the horse. I saw Kim at the swimming pool and handed him the monkey. I saw Luka at the houseboat and handed him the snake.

"We're here, M'lady", I said, as to her as the four boys landed behind me.

"Good, I have an idea and a way to use them", said Ladybug, as she opened her box full of plates.

"Uh, what's that?", asked Viperion, as we looked and saw a giant rubber ducky in the Seine.

"Oh right", I said. "Xuppu had to use his power to get me out of a tough situation".

"Anyway", said Ladybug. "Everyone help me throw these plates".

We kept throwing the plates. "I have a plan", said Viperion. "King Monkey has to use his power on the tablet. You need to get Carapace to create a shelter. Pegasus will use teleportation to get the object. Chat Noir cataclysm it".

"How many times did you go back?", asked a voice.

"Bugaboy?", I asked. "You were here the entire time".

"Yeah. I told him to stay and help us", said Ladybug, as we continued throwing plates. "We're running out!".

"Lucky Charm!", yelled Bugaboy, as he got a box of plates and his suit changed. We kept throwing.

"Shelter!", yelled Carapace.

"Uproar!", yelled King Monkey, as he got a blanket. He threw it at my father and his tablet turned into a blanket.

"Voyage!", yelled Pegasus, as he grabbed the ring from my fathers hands.

"Cataclysm", I said, as I destroyed the rings.

"No!", yelled my father, as the butterfly flew out.

"Time to de evilize", said Ladybug.

"Miraculous Ladybug!", yelled Bugaboy and Ladybug together.

Bugaboy went to hand my father the ring and after he did, he fell to the ground. "What's wrong?", I asked. "Ladybug, collect their miraculous".

Ladybug swung away with them, as I stayed back. My father had already left. "I felt a senti monster. He isn't real. He's a senti monster", said Bugaboy.

"Shadow Moth must've done it because he wanted someone who's cold to get upset", I suggested.

"But, if you think about it", began Bugaboy. "The ring, I think had an amok".

"What?", I asked. "You're joking. All you need now is some rest".

Ladybug landed beside me and handed me the miraculous. I landed in the bathroom and de transformed. After the party wrapped up early, I sat on my bed.

"You know guys", I said. "Something funny happened".

"What is it?", asked Sass, as everyone flew around me.

"Bugaboy thought there was an amok in the ring my father wears and he thought my father was a senti monster today", I said.

All the kwamis looked at each other. Could this mean something?

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