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Chapter 26

I jumped after the villain and I ran into Bugaboy

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I jumped after the villain and I ran into Bugaboy. "Hey Kitty", he said.

"Hey Bugaboy", I said. "Let's finish this off quickly. I have stuff to do".

"Me too", said Ladybug, who appeared beside me.

"Look out!", yelled Bugaboy, as he used his yoyo to stop the ferris wheel from ruining the buildings.

"What is wrong with these people?", asked Ladybug, as she saw them taking photos.

"Go and take safety", I said, as all the people obeyed and ran away. I began distracting the huge villain, while Ladybug went to save some people.

"Cata-", began Bugaboy.

"What are you doing?", I asked, as I used my yoyo to grab the senti monster.

"We find the akuma smash it and, bam end of story", said Bugaboy.

"But if you use that power on an akumatized villain, it can harm them. And if it is a sentimonster that will be sent out of control", I protested. The sentimonster fell down taking some buildings down as well.

"What's the difference between what I was saying?", he asked.

"That's way too risky", I said.

"That's the problem with you. You never take any risks", he shot back.

"I take plenty of risks everyday", I said.

"Then, would you take the risk of knowing who I am?", asked Bugaboy.

"You know, very well-", I began, but we were cut off by Strikeback trying to hit us.

"I know. But why can you know the identities of the other holders, but why can't you know mine?", asked Bugaboy, as we landed on a different building.

"Because Shadow Moth can take my miraculous and yours and still make his wish", I explained. "I'm doing this to protect you".

"You don't have to protect me. We'll never be akumatized", said Bugaboy.

That took me by surprise. "No, you don't know what you're talking about", I said, as I remembered Megaboy.

"Yeah, because you never tell me anything", he said.

"Watch out", said Carapace, through my earphone, as Bugaboy and I jumped to another building away from Strikeback.

"Be careful about the other side", said Rena.

I scratched my neck. "Thanks Renapace", I said.

"Rena Rouge? Carapace?", asked Bugaboy.

Oops. I didn't tell him now did I. "Rena who?", I asked. He gave me an annoyed expression. "Okay, they're both still in hiding. It's best you don't know where, since-".

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