Career Choice

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Chapter 18

I was sitting in my room with a paper in my hands. We were supposed to find out what job we would like to have. "You guys", I said, as the kwamis approached me. "What hobbies do I have?".

"Modeling for your fathers brand", said Sass.

"Being the guardian", said Stompp.

"Learning Chinese", said Orikko.

"Confessing to Ladybug everyday", said Mullo.

"But none of them will get me a job", I said.

"Well, why don't you go to Expo thing?", asked Plagg. "I'm sure they have some cheese.

"Good idea", I said, as I ran out with Plagg in my pocket.

I arrived at the career expo. All the people like Andre have their stands set up to explore. I'm sure Luka would know what he wants. Especially since he's a really good musician. I passed almost every booth and I couldn't choose what I wanted. I made it to the beach and sat on the concrete.

"Hey Adrien", said Luka, as he sat next to me.

"Hey Luka, hi Marinette", I said, as Marinette sat on the other side of Luka.

"Is something wrong?", asked Luka.

"Well, it's that. I just don't know what to do for my career", I said.

"Me neither", said Marinette.

"But you're really good at designing clothes. I thought that would be perfect for you", I said, as I looked at her.

"I honestly don't know if that's what I want. I don't even know what I want anymore", she confessed.

"Well Marinette", said Luka, as he leaned towards her. "Your beat is rippling but there are slight splashes". He leaned towards me. "Adrien, you have huge waves, which can be fixed. What you both need is time and thought".

"Wow, Luka", I said, as he stood up. "You're really good at kind words".

We heard some screams. "Well, we better go hide", said Marientte, as she ran to the bathroom.

"Yeah, Luka hide", I said to him, as I ran to the bathroom. "Plagg, claws out!".

I joined Ladybug and Bugaboy who were running around. "Guys, there's a problem", said Bugaboy. "We can't let Wishmaker hit us".

"Why not?", I asked.

"Well, I wanted to be the knitting fairy and I didn't have a mask back then", explained Ladybug.

"I know who to call then", I said, as I jumped off to the bathrooms.

"Chat Noir?", asked Luka, as I entered the bathroom stall.

"I need your help", I said, as I used my yoyo to take him to a rooftop. I opened my yoyo and pulled out the snake miraculous. "We need Viperion".

"Sass, scales out!", yelled Viperion, as he transformed.

Bugaboy and Ladybug landed next to me. "Go back to this time, if we ever get caught", said Bugaboy.

"Second Chance", said Viperion.

"Lucky Charm!", yelled Ladybug, as she received a dino plushie.

We all jumped to the streets and landed on the road. "You need to stop", Bugaboy said to Wishmaker.

"Why?", he asked. "I'm just granting everyone their wishes".

"Is that a wish?", I asked, as I pointed to Mr. Banana who was rolling around in the form of a pickle.

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