Fixing Time

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Chapter 20

"I'm giving you the keys to free yourself, Quilin", said Ladybug

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"I'm giving you the keys to free yourself, Quilin", said Ladybug.

Quilin and Ladybug looked at each other intensely. "You're right Ladybug", she said. "I shouldn't have sided with someone as bad as Shadow Moth".

"We all make mistakes", said Ladybug. "But the important part is learning from them". She tossed over the keys. Quilin opened the keys, as the akuma flew out.

"Time to de evilize!", said Bugaboy, as he de evilized the akuma.

"Miraculous Ladybug!", yelled M'lady, as she threw the lucky charm in the air.

"Pound it", the three of us said, as Bugaboy left.

"Sabine, keep this magical charm to help remind you to stick to your principles", said Ladybug, as she handed Marinette's mother the charm.

"She needs to go to jail", said a guy, as he approached Marientte's mother. "She lied about her daughter and now attacked the people".

"No. I know Ms. Dupain Cheng", I said. "She does have a daughter. We worked together before".

"I'm here mom!", yelled Marinette, as she ran with a bouquet of flowers.

"There you are", said her mother, as they hugged.

"I went to go buy some flowers for Mother's day, because you're so amazing", she said. "One day I'll handle everything just like you do". My eyes watered a bit. My mother just disappeared.

"I'll get going", I said, as I left. I was sitting in my room still thinking about yesterday. Fluff flew over to me as the other kwamis floated behind. "Bunnyx is in trouble", said Fluff. "Or will be or was in".

"What do I do?", I asked.

"You need to warn the future you about taking Bunnyx's miraculous after she has been immobilized", explained Fluff.

"Right", I said, as I walked to the miracle box. I pulled out the rabbit miraculous. "Plagg, Fluff unify! Burrow!".

I walked into the burrow and went to a different time zone where Shadow Moth was still active. I walked into my room and saw myself in black boxer briefs. "I hate to interrupt", I said.

"Oh, hey what's up?", asked the future me, as Plagg flew next to him.

"I don't know much, but when Bunnyx apparently gets immobilized, grab her miraculous", I said.

"Why?', he asked.

"I honestly don't know", I said. "Fluff couldn't explain a lot to me".

"Okay, I got it", he said.

"Burrow!", I said, as I time traveled back to the burrow.

"Rabbit Noir", said Bunnyx, from across the burrow.

"Yeah?", I asked.

"I need you to go back to yesterday's events. Since you stopped at Master Fu he got captured which means it's going to change our present", explained Bunnyx, as she grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Right", I said. "Fluff divide".

"You need to help Master Fu escape from that moment", said Bunnyx.

I opened my yoyo and pulled out the horse miraculous. "Plagg, Kaalki unify", I said, as I transformed into Pega Noir.

I entered the timeline and saw Master Fu cleaning up. "Hello again", said Master Fu.

"I need to take you somewhere safe", I said. "Voyage!".

"My apartment", said Master Fu, as we both entered it. We entered the apartment. "Thank you young sir".

"No worries", I said. "Stay safe. Kaalki divide. Plagg, Fluff unify. Burrow".

I returned back home and de transformed. After placing the miraculous away, I decided to clean up my room. If my father came in, he would freak out on why there were underwears, cheeses, socks all over the ground. After cleaning up, I relaxed a bit and fell asleep.

The next morning I walked downstairs. "Natalie, can you take me to the park?", I whispered.

She looked at my fathers room. "Sure", she said, as I walked into the car.

I soon arrived at the park. I saw Zoe and Jay talking and approaching me. "Hey", I said.

"Hi Adrien", said Jay.

"My moms calling", said Zoe, with a sheepish smile, as she ran to her car.

"Bye", said Jay, with a lovesick smile as dreamily waved at her.

I smirked. "Are you two a thing?", I asked.

"What?", he asked, as his eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. "She still likes Luka".

"Do you like her?", I asked.

"I mean as a friend", he said.

"Right", I sarcastically said, as Jay rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, do you like someone?", he asked.

Well Ladybug. But I'm not supposed to tell anyone that I'm Chat Noir. "I don't like anyone", I lied.

"Okay", said Jay, as he turned around. His eyes widened at something and dragged me to an alleyway. "There's an akuma".

He ran into another alleyway. "Plagg, claws out!", I yelled. I jumped out and saw Bugaboy and Ladybug.

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