2 - Invitation to Return to Aethel

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The gentle click of the door shutting behind her was the only sound as Julianna ascended the stairs, the crinkled parchment clutched tightly in her hand. Reaching her room, she sank onto the familiar comfort of her bed, the moonlight streaming through the window bathing the room in an ethereal glow. With trembling fingers, she broke the wax seal, a red griffon crest emblazoned on it, a symbol of her heritage.

Unfolding the letter, the elegant script of her father danced before her eyes. A pang of longing pierced her heart as she read the familiar yet slightly spidery handwriting.

"My dearest Julianna," it began, "

The winds of Aethel whisper your name, carrying the tales of your bravery and Varian's ingenuity. News of your triumph over Zhan Tiri has reached even the most remote corners of this mystical realm. Aethel rejoices, and I, your most ardent supporter, even more so.

It has been a few moons since you and Varian left, and while Corona has undoubtedly benefitted from your presence, a part of you both will always belong in Aethel. The vibrant flora yearns for your touch, the mischievous pixies long for your laughter, and the wise wyverns miss your inquisitive spirit.

Therefore, I extend an invitation, not just to you, my dear daughter, but also to your valiant companion, Varian. Aethel welcomes you both with open arms for a visit. Come, explore the hidden waterfalls veiled in mist, witness the dance of the fireflies that illuminate moonless nights, and rediscover the magic that weaves through every corner of this wondrous realm.

I eagerly await your reply.

With love and pride,

King Edgar of Aethel."

Julianna reread the letter, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. Aethel, her mystical birthplace, called to her. She could almost picture the vibrant landscapes, hear the melodic chirps of the moonbirds, and feel the hum of magic thrumming in the very air.

A glance out the window revealed a familiar figure standing beneath the moonlight, gazing up at her window. Varian. A smile bloomed on Julianna's face, as warm and bright as the moonbeams illuminating the night. This wasn't just her decision to make. She had a feeling Varian might be just as eager to revisit the magical world that had shaped their destinies. Folding the letter, she tucked it safely away, a secret shared adventure shimmering on the horizon.

A grin stretched across Julianna's face, wide enough to rival the crescent moon peeking through her window. Her father's letter wasn't just an invitation, it was a gateway back to a world she held close to her heart – a world that had felt increasingly distant ever since she'd left to protect Corona with Varian. The mere thought of Aethel sent a thrill down her spine, conjuring vivid memories of vibrant flora bursting with otherworldly colors, mischievous pixies flitting through sun-dappled glades, and wise wyverns with eyes that held the secrets of forgotten times. These weren't just childhood memories; they were the very threads woven into the tapestry of her being.

But the most exciting prospect, a warmth blossoming in her chest that rivaled the moon's glow, was the thought of sharing this magical place with Varian. He'd been instrumental in saving Corona, but Aethel was where his own magical spark had ignited. He'd thrived there, his inventions fueled by the very essence of the mystical realm. Recalling his childlike wonder when they first ventured into Aethel together, the way his eyes sparkled with the thrill of discovery – Julianna knew he'd be just as eager to return.

This wasn't just a chance to reconnect with her roots; it was an opportunity to create new memories with Varian, side-by-side, in the land that had shaped them both. A shared adventure, a chance to delve deeper into their connection amidst the vibrant landscapes and otherworldly creatures of Aethel, all under the watchful gaze of her father, the King. Julianna clutched the letter to her chest, a silent promise forming between the lines. This wasn't just a visit to Aethel; it was a chance to experience it anew, with Varian by her side. Together, they would rediscover the magic that awaited them, their hearts brimming with the anticipation of a new chapter in their extraordinary story. It wouldn't just be a visit; it would be a homecoming, not just for her, but for the part of Varian that thrived on the fantastical energy of Aethel. With a newfound purpose dancing in her mismatched eyes, Julianna knew exactly what she had to do. Aethel beckoned, and she, along with Varian, would answer its call.

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