7 - Bonded

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The relentless white landscape of Sel began to morph as they journeyed deeper. The oppressive stillness gave way to a soft, melodic chirping, and the snow-covered plains transitioned into a rolling terrain dotted with strange, bioluminescent plants that pulsed with an ethereal green light.

Suddenly, a shimmering bridge materialized before them, seemingly woven from moonlight and stardust. It arched over a glistening river whose waters flowed upwards, defying gravity. Varian and Jewel exchanged a surprised look.

"This place," Jewel murmured, her voice filled with awe, "is unlike anything I've ever seen."

As if on cue, a chorus of startled gasps erupted from the other side of the bridge. Varian and Jewel cautiously stepped onto the shimmering surface, squinting against the sudden burst of light emanating from beyond the bridge's crest.

A vibrant village nestled amidst the bioluminescent flora unfolded before them. Unlike the fairies of Corona, these were human-sized creatures with iridescent wings that shimmered like dragonfly wings dipped in rainbows. The air crackled with a sense of otherworldly energy, and the gentle chirping from earlier morphed into a cacophony of excited chatter and curious questions.

Before Varian or Jewel could react, a group of fairies materialized around them, their faces a mixture of suspicion and awe. One, a stern-looking fairy with wings the color of twilight, stepped forward.

"Who are you, travelers, and why do you trespass upon our hidden haven?" she demanded, her voice a melodic chirp that carried a hint of steel. Her iridescent wings unfolded majestically, casting an ethereal glow over the scene.

Varian swallowed, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword at his side. He quickly realized his mistake – violence wouldn't solve anything here. He needed to be diplomatic.

Jewel, ever the princess, took a step forward, her regal bearing radiating calm amidst the chaos. "Greetings, noble fairies," she said, her voice clear and polite. "We come in peace. I am Princess Juliana of Aethel, and this is my companion, Varian."

A hush fell over the gathered fairies. The word "princess" seemed to carry weight in their language, the initial suspicion replaced by a flicker of curiosity.

"Princess Juliana, you say?" the twilight-winged fairy echoed, her voice softening slightly. "And what brings you to our humble village, so far from your Aethean home?"

Jewel took a deep breath, her mismatched eyes reflecting the otherworldly light of the village. "We come seeking help," she confessed. "Sel, a neighboring realm, is under the grip of an Ice Queen. We are hoping to find a way to break the eternal winter and restore spring."

The fairies exchanged concerned glances, a murmur rippling through the crowd.

"The Ice Queen," the twilight-winged fairy whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "Her icy touch has reached even this far? We have felt a subtle chill, a weakening of the flora's magic."

Varian stepped forward, his voice filled with urgency. "Do you know where we can find the true Queen of Sel? We believe she might hold the key to defeating the Ice Queen."

The twilight-winged fairy, her gaze fixed on Jewel, considered their request for a long moment. Finally, with a slow nod, she spoke.

"The true Queen resides within the Everbloom Glade, a hidden sanctuary protected by ancient magic. However, the path is fraught with danger. Only those with pure hearts and unwavering courage can hope to reach her."

A spark of determination ignited in Jewel's eyes. "We are ready to face any challenge," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "The fate of Sel hangs in the balance."

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