5 - My Varian

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King Edgar chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that echoed through the vast throne room. The last rays of the setting sun cast long shadows across the ornately woven tapestries, painting the space in a warm, golden glow.

"Flying machines, huh?" the King mused, his voice laced with amusement. "Quite a contraption you've described, Varian. Perhaps, with a few modifications, it could even withstand the harsher winds of Aethel's upper atmosphere."

Varian, his earlier nervousness replaced by a newfound confidence, leaned forward in his armchair. "I'm sure we can figure something out, Your Majesty," he said, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

A comfortable silence settled between them, broken only by the crackling fire in the hearth. King Edgar's gaze, for a fleeting moment, seemed to hold a hint of sadness, a longing that flickered across his mismatched eyes. But as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, replaced by a warm smile.

"Varian," the King began, his voice gentle, "you mentioned earlier how Jewel... thrives in Corona."

Varian felt his cheeks flush slightly. "Yes, Your Majesty. She's... she's found a place where her skills and her spirit are valued."

King Edgar nodded slowly. "And you, Varian," he continued, his gaze holding a newfound intensity, "you seem to... appreciate those qualities in her."

Varian's heart hammered against his ribs. He knew this moment was coming, the moment where he had to finally address the unspoken question hanging in the air.

Taking a deep breath, he met the King's gaze. "Your Majesty," he began, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness, "yes, I do. I care about Jewel a great deal. We... we work well together, and I admire her bravery, her kindness, her... everything, really."

A flicker of approval seemed to pass through King Edgar's eyes. He leaned back in his throne, a thoughtful expression settling on his face.

"Varian," the King said finally, his voice filled with a quiet dignity, "as her father, my primary concern is Jewel's happiness. And if what you share... this connection you speak of... brings her joy, then I would never stand in its way."

A wave of relief washed over Varian. The King's acceptance, though not spoken outright, resonated through him. "But Your Majesty," he stammered, "I understand that being with your daughter comes with a great deal of responsibility."

King Edgar chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. "Indeed it does, Varian," he admitted. "But you, from what I've seen, possess the courage, the resourcefulness, and most importantly, the genuine affection for Jewel that is needed to protect her and make her happy."

He fixed Varian with a steady gaze. "However," he continued, a playful glint entering his mismatched eyes, "if you ever break her heart, well, let's just say the dungeons of Aethel are quite... unpleasant."

Varian, despite the playful threat, couldn't help but grin. "I wouldn't dream of it, Your Majesty," he vowed, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise to take good care of Jewel."

King Edgar's smile broadened. "Excellent," he boomed. "Now, back to these flying machines you mentioned. Perhaps we can take a look at the blueprints..."

The conversation shifted back to Varian's inventions, but the weight that had been on Varian's chest had lifted. He wasn't just an inventor in Aethel anymore; he was someone who cared for the King's daughter, and someone who, with the King's tacit approval, had the chance to build a future with her. Aethel's challenges still loomed ahead, but Varian, with a newfound confidence and the King's blessing, was more than ready to face them. His adventure, filled with magic, invention, and the blossoming promise of love, had only just begun.

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