23 - Stardust Escape Attempt

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The chilling silence after Morwen's pronouncement echoed in the vast chamber, a suffocating weight settling on Varian's chest. Marry the Snow Queen? The absurdity of the notion fueled a fresh wave of anger. He slammed his fist against the icy bars, the sound a meager echo of his fury.

"Why?" he roared, his voice hoarse with disbelief. "Why me? I'm just a kid! Barely fifteen!"

Morwen turned, her form radiating a cold, aloof beauty. "Your age is irrelevant, inventor," she said, her voice smooth as glacial ice. "What matters is your... potential."

Varian scoffed. Potential for what? Being her frozen plaything? "Potential?" he spat. "What makes you think I'd be any use to you?"

A flicker of a different emotion, something akin to respect, crossed Morwen's icy features. "Your inventions, inventor," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of grudging admiration. "Your resourcefulness. You are, in your own way, a force of nature – chaotic, unpredictable, and... quite fascinating."

Varian's brow furrowed. Fascinating? He felt like a fly trapped in a web of glistening ice, not some captivating inventor.

"That, and your connection to the princess," Morwen continued, her voice taking on a dangerous edge. "Your bond with her is a powerful thing, inventor. A force I cannot ignore."

A spark of understanding flickered in Varian's mind. Jealousy? Was Morwen, the embodiment of winter, jealous of the warmth, the love he shared with Jewel? The thought was almost comical, if not for the chilling reality of his situation.

"So you want to control me?" he challenged, his voice laced with defiance. "Use me as a pawn in some twisted game against... well, whoever the Snow Queen finds herself competing with these days?"

A smile, sharp as a shard of ice, played on Morwen's lips. "Not exactly," she countered. "Think of it as... an alliance. You, with your inventions, your ingenuity, and your connection to the princess – combined with my power over winter itself. We would be an unstoppable force."

Varian felt a shiver run down his spine, a primal fear that had nothing to do with the cold. An alliance? He couldn't imagine a more terrifying partnership. Morwen's vision, her ambition – it was chilling, a prospect far worse than being trapped in his icy cage.

"Never!" he roared, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I wouldn't help you freeze the world even if you offered me a crown of ice! You can lock me up, Morwen, but you can't break my spirit. And you can't control my heart!"

Morwen's smile vanished, replaced by a glacial fury that sent shivers down Varian's spine. Her voice, when she spoke, was laced with a deadly calm.

"We shall see, inventor," she hissed. "The Winter Solstice approaches. By then, you will choose – an alliance with the Queen of Winter, or your precious Jewel's doom. The choice is yours."

With a final, chilling glint in her icy blue eyes, Morwen turned and glided away, leaving Varian alone in his icy cage. He sank down onto the cold floor, the weight of his decision pressing down on him like a glacier. An alliance with Morwen? The thought was abhorrent, a path he wouldn't tread under any circumstance. But Jewel... the thought of her braving the frozen depths, facing whatever dangers lurked beneath the icy surface, filled him with a fresh wave of terror.

He had to escape. He had to find a way to break free, to reach Jewel before it was too late. But trapped in this frozen prison, surrounded by endless white, hope seemed as scarce as a warm breeze in the heart of winter. Varian closed his eyes, focusing his mind, searching for a spark of inspiration, a glimmer of an idea that could break the icy grip of his despair. He wouldn't let Morwen win. He wouldn't let her control his life, or the fate of the girl he loved. He would find a way. He had to.

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