21 - Getting Captured

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A flurry of snowflakes swirled around the throne room of the Ice Palace, each flake crackling with a malevolent energy. Perched upon her throne of glacial ice, the Snow Queen, her form a pale silhouette sculpted from pure winter, listened with a growing frown as her skeletal advisor, Shiver, delivered the news.

"They are... flying?" Shiver rasped, his voice a chilling whisper that echoed through the frosty halls.

"Yes," Shiver confirmed, his bony finger hovering over a map etched in solid ice. "They seem to be... following this strange map, heading deeper into the Frozen North."

The Snow Queen clenched her fist, the ice on her gauntlet groaning in protest. Varian, the irritating inventor, and that annoying princess – what trouble they were proving to be. The blizzards she had unleashed certainly weren't slowing them down, those wretched faerie wings must be granting them some kind of advantage.

"They shouldn't be able to withstand the cold this long," Shiver continued, his voice laced with a hint of confusion. "The storms should have weakened them by now."

The Snow Queen scoffed. "Those storms were mere inconveniences, Shiver. We need a more decisive strategy."

Her icy blue eyes narrowed. A flicker of a different emotion, a spark of something akin to grudging respect, flickered within their depths. Varian, the human boy, had proven to be a nuisance, but his resourcefulness and ingenuity were undeniable. And the princess... well, her connection to the faerie magic was certainly potent.

"Then perhaps," Shiver ventured, his voice barely a whisper, "we should remove the one thing that motivates them both."

The Snow Queen's gaze fell upon the map, tracing the path Varian and Jewel were taking. A cruel smile played on her lips. "Indeed," she purred, her voice dripping with icy malice. "If we sever their bond, their resolve will crumble."

Shiver bowed his head, a chilling grin spreading across his skeletal face. "A most... elegant solution, Your Majesty."

"Elegant and effective," the Snow Queen corrected, her voice laced with a dangerous edge. "We capture the princess... and Varian, bereft without his precious companion, will be forced to confront me himself."

A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine. The princess, that glowing ember of hope in Varian's heart, was precisely the weakness she needed to exploit. Capture her, and Varian would have no choice but to come crawling to the Ice Palace, desperation fueling his actions. The battle she craved, the one Morwen had promised, would finally be hers. This human, Varian, would be her pawn, lured into a fight on her own terms.

"Prepare the Ice Wraiths, Shiver," she commanded, her voice echoing through the throne room. "We have a princess to capture."

Shiver bowed once more, his bony form dissolving into a swirling vortex of snowflakes. The Snow Queen, a twisted smile upon her lips, gazed out at the approaching blizzard. This wasn't just about conquering Sel anymore. This was about a personal vendetta against Morwen, a chance to prove her own strength on the world stage. And Varian, the foolish human, would be her unwitting pawn in the game she was about to play.

A tense silence gripped the throne room of the Ice Palace. The only sound was the crackling of the monumental ice sculpture that served as the Snow Queen's throne, its frosty surface shimmering with an otherworldly light. Shiver, the skeletal advisor to the icy monarch, hovered before her, his bony form casting an elongated shadow across the frozen floor.

"They persist, Your Majesty," Shiver rasped, his voice echoing through the cavernous hall. "The human and the princess. They continue their journey deeper into the Frozen North, those infernal faerie wings granting them an unexpected advantage."

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