11 - Mistletoe

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Pain. A dull throbbing throbbed in Varian's head, a rhythmic counterpoint to the pounding of his heart. He blinked, his vision blurry and filled with swirling white dots. Disoriented, he tried to sit up, but a wave of nausea washed over him, forcing him back down.

"Varian?" A voice, faint and muffled, penetrated the fog in his mind. He struggled to focus, his gaze finally landing on Jewel lying a few feet away. Relief flooded him, a warm wave washing away the lingering dread.

"Jewel?" he rasped out, his voice hoarse. "Are you alright?"

Jewel stirred, slowly pushing herself up into a sitting position. Her face contorted in a grimace of pain, but her mismatched eyes held a spark of concern. "Varian, you scared me half to death," she said, her voice weak. "What happened?"

Memories flooded back in a disorienting rush – the widening crack in the ice, the blinding flash, the earth shaking... his desperate attempt to pull them both to safety. He looked around frantically. "The avalanche..." he stammered, fear creeping back into his voice. "Did it...?"

His gaze fell upon Midnight, lying a few meters away, his large body still but for the shallow rise and fall of his flanks. Panic welled up within him, threatening to consume him. "Midnight?" he called out, his voice cracking with desperation.

As if in response, Midnight lifted his head, his dark eyes blinking sluggishly. A whinny, weak but reassuring, escaped his lips. Relief, so powerful it almost brought tears to his eyes, washed over Varian.

Pushing himself up, ignoring the protests of his aching muscles, Varian crawled towards his loyal steed. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly, and gently stroked Midnight's muzzle. The warm, reassuring touch calmed his racing heart.

"You're alright, boy," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "We both made it."

Jewel, who had crawled closer, reached out and squeezed his shoulder. "We did, Varian," she said softly. "But how? We were right in the middle of..."

She trailed off, her gaze sweeping across the desolate landscape. The sight that greeted them was far from what they had expected.

Gone was the vast expanse of the frozen lake. In its place lay a massive crater, filled with jagged ice chunks and swirling snow. The deafening roar of the avalanche had been replaced by an unsettling silence broken only by the moans of the wind.

"The ice..." Jewel whispered, her voice filled with awe. "It... broke, but somehow..."

Varian followed her gaze. On the other side of the crater, nestled against a towering cliff face, stood a grove of trees, their bare branches festooned with shimmering crystals. Despite the bleakness of the surrounding landscape, this small oasis pulsed with a faint green luminescence, a beacon of life in the frozen wasteland.

"The Crystal Blossom," Jewel breathed, her voice filled with wonder. "We... we made it."

Varian stared at the grove, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and newfound hope. The journey had been fraught with danger, the near-death experience still sending shivers down his spine. But they had persevered, together. And now, bathed in the ethereal glow of the Crystal Blossom, they stood at the threshold of their true quest – finding the Queen, unraveling the mysteries of the Frostlands, and bringing spring back to a frozen world.

He turned to Jewel, a smile gracing his lips, despite the aches and bruises that throbbed throughout his body. "We're not out of the woods yet, Princess," he said, his voice filled with newfound determination. "But at least this time, we have a place to rest and regroup."

Jewel grinned back, her mismatched eyes sparkling with an indomitable spirit. "Indeed, inventor," she replied. "Let's go find this Queen and get this spring started."

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