The Devil in Disguise

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I watch her eyes start to glaze over. I scream. I cry.

"Stay with me! No, no, no! Stay with me!" I sob.

"Don't touch me" She weakly whispers.

"No! You can't die on the cold floor with your bitch mother!" I cry to her.

"I'd rather die like that than in your arms." She glares.

"Don't talk like that." I remind her gently.

I pick her up and start to carry her. She tries to struggle but she's too weak.

"Y/N please." I beg.

I carry her up the stairs. I grab the first aid kit and lay her softly on the bed. She's going to be okay.

I start to patch up her wound and stop to blood. I stitch it closed and bandage it. Now, we wait. She's fine.

I wait hours until she finally starts to stir and wake up.


"Am I in heaven?" I groan, "Probably not. I wouldn't make it there, anyway."

I hear a chuckle and look over. "No, you aren't in heaven, sweetheart. You're safe, with me." He smiles.

"Ugh I'd rather it be Hell than this. Same thing." I scoff.

"Doll you really know how to piss me off. That's okay! I'll still love you!"

"I wish you didn't." I roll over and huff.

"You're lucky you're hurt." He chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Oh! I almost forgot! Look what I made you while you were almost dying!" He pulls a plate of waffles from the nightstand.

I sit up and put syrup on them. I start munching without a word.

"You love them?" He asks.

"Yes. Unlike you."

"Well... I made them so technically you love my waffle making skills so... You love me!" He grins.

"Keep being delusional."

"Oh darling, I will."

I eat the rest of my waffles without a word. He takes the plate and washes it when I'm done.

"You got a little something on your lips. Let me get it for you." He looks down at my lips.

He leans in and closes his eyes. I stare at him. He then kisses them. His tongue slips out and slides across my bottom lip. He tries to push his tongue past my lips but I bite it.

"Oh God, Y/N~ I don't know how much I can hold back~" he groans.

My face flushes so much. I didn't expect him to be... Like this. So needy for me.

"Amir, don't be weird." I warn.

"Please, Y/N, I'm begging you. Just let me. I'll be gentle."


He kneels in front of me. He puts his hands on my thighs caressing them.

"Just let me please you. Worship you. Please." His voice is needy.

I feel the atmosphere getting hot. My face is flushed and my core is throbbing for him.

"You can at least ride my thigh. I'll stroke myself if you don't want me to enter! Just please.... I'm desperate for you." He lays his face in my lap.

"Fine..." I get up.


I hear my door burst open. I see Allison walking in.

"Since when do you have a key to my house?!" I say, very surprised.

"What? You don't want me here?" She frowns.

"Oh c'mon! You know it's not that."

"I really want you, Mona."

"Allison, you know I'm busy with finding Y/N and bringing her home again."

"Mona, this is torture! Just be with me for a little bit! I'm sure she's fine!"

"Calm down." I don't look up at her from the computer.

"No! Just fuck me to sleep then! I'll leave you alone if I'm sleeping!"

"No. You have fingers for that." I glare.

"But yours are better." She groans.

"Hmm I don't know about that." I grin.

"Please, Mona!" She whines.

"Come sit on my lap." I pat my lap.

She obeys and sits down. I snake an arm around her waist and hold her close.

"Once Y/N is safe, then we'll have sex all the time. Just you and I." I reassure her.

"Maybe Y/N will want to join too." Allison smirks.

"You... Would want to have a threesome with Y/N?" My eyes widen in shock.

"Hell yes! Even when she was in that condition she was sexy." She grins.

"I guess I wouldn't be opposed to that." I smile.

"Oh yeah! I can already imagine it. It's making me even more needy."

"Don't get ahead of yourself."

"Does Y/N swing both ways?" She asks.

"We made out one time."

"What?! That's so hot."

"It was at a sleepover. We were in middle school and we were curious. She's a good kisser, though."

"I always knew she would be good!"

"Oh Allison, already crushing on my best friend."

"Oh please, are you jealous?~" she teases.

"No. You're the one jealous that I got to make out with her!"

"Fine, fine. I guess you're right."

"Anyway, your dad is working on the case." I inform her.

"My dad?" She perks up.


"Isn't it a dangerous case?" She asks me.

"Uh, I guess so. He's tough, though."

"Yeah but so is Amir..." Allison says.

"Allison how do you know his name? I never told you." I look up at her.

She goes quiet.


"Dammit! There's no way we can take down an Alderaige!" The chief shouts.

"We have to try." Lucas sighs.

Lucas is a young man aged 21. He is brunette with dark brown eyes. He is never afraid of a challenge and won't back out on finding Y/N. He knows that Amir Alderaige is obsessed with Y/N based on the details that Mona gave. He also arrested Amir's older brother whom was Lucas's best friend in highschool.

"Boss, it's not impossible. What I'm about to say next May sound crazy." Lucas looks up at the chief.

"Speak, boy."

"I'd say someone in their friend circle or someone who was with Y/N also has a connection with Amir. They sold her out."

Fun facts! I am going to do a fun fact (or not so fun) about a character in each chapter! We'll start with Amir.

Fun fact: Amir has only ever not finished one job as an assassin. He was tasked to kill a single mother and her child. He didn't have the morals for that, they still live to that day!

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