Chapter 8

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At School

Chaeyoung POV

"Hey cub! how are you?" Jeongyeon Unnie calls me with delight as she ruffles my hair. "Unnie!" I groaned as I have to fix my hair again for the nth time. "I missed you Cub! we haven't really bonded these days, don't you missed me?" she pouts.

"you're being over dramatic Unnie, why don't you just treat me a strawberry shake huh? I teased her, "and why would I do that?" she said mockingly. "because you love me!" I grinned and stuck my tongue out.

After a while, we sat comfortably in the cafeteria sipping our strawberry shakes catching up of how's mom and dad, it's been awhile since she visited us at home

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After a while, we sat comfortably in the cafeteria sipping our strawberry shakes catching up of how's mom and dad, it's been awhile since she visited us at home.

"Unnie, can I ask you something" I asked hesitantly. "sure cub, what is it?" Jeongyeon Unnie nods and smile.

"a-are you liking someone at the moment?" I asked, although I already knew, I just wanted to confirm it myself.

"yes... cub!" I noticed her cheeks turned red. "oh... cool, do I know her?" I asked, I mentally deadpanned myself even I knew that it would just hurt me... like a lot.

"i'll tell you soon cub!" Jeongyeon Unnie said. "how about you? what are you upto these days huh? getting closer with Mina?" she smirked.

"y-yeah of course, like why not? I mean she's my roommate after all" I said but why did I stutter ugh! stop being obvious self! I cursed in my mind.

"right, roommates, do you perhaps like her cub?" Jeongyeon Unnie asked which made my heart skip a beat. "w-what? of course I-I like her as a friend, she's an amazing... friend" I uttered nervously, I must admit that I didn't see this question coming, I mean did she perhaps noticed that I also like Mina?


"oh, okay that's good to know cub" she stated with a huge smile on her face. "well then, I'll see you later at lunch" she stood up and disheveled my hair...again. "Yah Unnie stop it!" I whined and got up from my seat too to prepare for my next class.


I was in art class, staring blankly at my professor. I could hear his voice but my mind wanders somewhere else. All I could think of was Jeongyeon Unnie's confession of liking someone which I evidently  knew, I mean her eyes sparkled when we talked about Mina, it would be a lie if I didn't feel a stung in my chest, but I have to forget how I feel about Mina, besides their feelings are mutual, I would never stand a chance with Mina after all.


Lunch Time

The group of friends were all seated in the cafeteria. "I'm so glad we're complete today, we're so busy these past few weeks, we barely see each other" Jihyo pouted while the group hum in approval.

"Hi Chaengie, here I bought you a strawberry cake!" Nayeon handed the cake to the younger with a wide smile on her face. "I heard that it's your favorite" the older said. "woah Unnie, what's the occasion? thank you! I love it" Chaeyoung said excitedly. "nothing, I just wanted to give you this" Nayeon giggled.

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