Chapter 9

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Mina POV

What the hell am I thinking?! I am not falling in love with Chaeyoung, we are just friends that's right... Mina pull yourself together, you're in love with Jeongyeon.

After few minutes, Chaeyoung went out of the bathroom with puffy eyes, did she just cry? or am I just seeing things...

"Hey Chae, are you alright? I asked.

"I'm fine Mina Unnie, I am just tired" she plopped herself onto our bed, she stared at the ceiling and I heard her sigh, I wonder what is she thinking? I began to lay down as well and tucked myself in the blanket. "what's bothering you?" I asked. "nothing" she muffled. I didn't speak any further and I tried to get some sleep when she suddenly spoke, "Minari can I ask you something?" I just hummed. "Do you love Jeongyeon unnie? she asked.

Do I love Jeongyeon?

"I-I'm not yet sure if I love her but I really do like her" I said softly.

"then can you do me a favor?" she said.

"y-yeah sure, what is it?"

"promise me you won't hurt her, Jeongyeon Unnie... she might seems strong on the outside but she is also a baby inside" she was facing me this time, we are looking intently with each other until I finally found words coming out of my mouth "I-I will Chae"

"Thank you Mina Unnie" she managed to flash a smile and started to doze off to sleep.


I didn't realize that I was still staring at her while she sleeps.

can you do me a favor as well hmm, Chae? will you promise me that won't leave me? will you stay with me? I mumbled and closed my eyes and went to dreamland as well.


Chaeyoung POV

Morning comes, I was too tired last night that I slept easily. I remembered asking Mina Unnie a favor but my memory was betraying me that I felt like Mina asked something too... that I should stay? I shook my head with that thought maybe it was just a dream.

"Hi Chaeyoungie! good morning" she greeted. I noticed that she just took a bath and I couldn't help myself from staring at her beautiful face with her subtle eyes, celestial nose and her beauty marks... I came back to my senses when she began to tease me "it's too early to drool over me Chaeyoung" she rolled her eyes and eventually beamed a smile on her face "you have morning classes too right? do you want to go to school together?" she offered.

I was too stunned to speak, I only felt the sudden heat on my face, Jesus Chaeyoung! but before I could respond to Mina, somebody knocked on our door and Mina opened it gently and to our surprise it was Jeongyeon Unnie with two cups of coffee in h...

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I was too stunned to speak, I only felt the sudden heat on my face, Jesus Chaeyoung! but before I could respond to Mina, somebody knocked on our door and Mina opened it gently and to our surprise it was Jeongyeon Unnie with two cups of coffee in her hands "Hi! I am here to fetch you Mina" she smiled widely then she turned her gaze at me as well "Hi Cub! good morning!"

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