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A/N- more with kyouka and dazai with more soukoku! It's a little short but very cute so enjoyyyyyy!!!

“Um… Dazai-san?”

Kyouka watched as Atsushi hesitantly approached their mentor. She hung back, quietly observing.

Dazai had been his usual bright and cheery self when he’d arrived at the office this morning, coffee in hand.

He’d smiled as Kunikida berated him for being two hours late. He’d chatted politely with Naomi and Haruno. He’d given out pleasant “good morning’s” to his junior detectives, and even dropped off a bag of sweets at Ranpo’s desk before finally heading to his own desk.

Kyouka didn’t understand the smug, knowing look Ranpo had been wearing when he accepted the treat, nor the wink that Dazai had responded with.

Geniuses were confusing.

All in all, it was looking to be just another day at the Agency.

But an hour later, and Kyouka wasn’t so sure anymore.

Dazai had sat down to work on… whatever it was that he busied himself with every day. According to Kunikida, it was most certainly not his reports, but Kyouka was pretty sure Dazai actually did do his reports sometimes.

Whatever he was doing today, he didn’t seem to be making much progress. He was only on his second piece of paperwork. Kyouka noticed him squint with discomfort every time he had to glance at his computer, which probably explained why he was doing paperwork in the first place. Dazai’s face was lined with exhaustion, the charcoal smudges under his eyes standing out more than usual in his pale face. Even more concerning were the minute tremors running through his hands.

But the last straw came just after the two hour mark. Kyouka had been surreptitiously observing Dazai since he’d arrived. The fact that he hadn't seemed to notice was telling enough. It was because of Kyouka’s well-trained eye that she caught the moment it happened.

One second Dazai was sitting at his desk looking productive, and the next he was slumping forward with a small groan, head hitting his desk with a muted thump.

At first, no one else paid him any mind. This kind of thing was low on the tier of his office shenanigans, and it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Dazai to bemoan his tedious workload.

When, after a couple minutes, Dazai remained motionless, Atsushi finally looked over at him. He caught Kyouka’s eye as she stared at their unconscious senior.

Atsushi gave a questioning quirk of his head, and she shook her head somberly. At this, Atsushi’s eyebrows drew together and he stood from his chair, walking over to approach his mentor.

“Um… Dazai-san?”

When no response was forthcoming, Atsushi hesitantly reached out a hand and shook Dazai’s thin shoulder.

Still nothing

“Dazai-san?” Atsushi sounded more urgent now, and shook Dazai with a bit more force. When his body just lolled with the movement, Atsushi met Kyouka’s eyes with his own panic-filled ones. 

“Maybe you should bring him to the couch,” Kyouka suggested.

“Right.” Atsushi nodded. He maneuvered Dazai into position, then hefted him into his arms. He stumbled back a step at the unexpected lack of weight, then hurried to lay him on the couch.

Meanwhile, Kyouka had extracted something from the pocket of Dazai’s trench coat, which was still hanging on the back of his chair. After utilizing the object, Kyouka returned it to the coat pocket and joined Atsushi and Kunikida, who had finally decided that this was worth his time.

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