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It's Friday the 13th. Autumn was late this year. Nights in Willowdon shiver in that October chill. The winds blow harder tonight, escorting a guest into Willowdon.

A lot of people don't know about Willowdon. A lot of people don't know it exists. The small town is in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by untouched forests, unexplored caves and abandoned mines. Those who venture into Willowdon never want to leave.

No one truly leaves Willowdon.

The small town doesn't like guests, considering it's troubling history. So everyone moves from their dinner tables and crowd on their windows with juvenile curiosity. With the help of the dim and flickering street lights, they see him.

He's tall and broad, wearing a dark trench coat and a hat that covers his eyes and casts a shadow over his face. Ginger hair sprouting from the edges of the hat. No one recognizes him.

However, when he makes his way to the abandoned house down the street, close to the Weeping woods, the town is hit with a dreadful sense of deja Vu.

The house was recked. It was once painted white and brown. Red wooden door and windows, but now, as a result of years of neglect and a victim of vandalism by the towns youths, it was a revolting cream with weeds and moss crawling on its walls. The glass windows shattered by stones.

They say it was haunted, or cursed. Maybe even both.

Quickly, parents rush their kids to bed early. Tonight bed time stories will be longer. Mommy and daddy probably won't leave their kids rooms, constantly looking over the windows in fright.

The poor town was still licking it's wounds from a horrible tragedy. This was the last thing it needed.

It was clear now, he was no visitor, but contrary to the town's people paranoia_ he was no murder. He was the victim.

A/N. Hi there reader. Just wanted to welcome you to Willowdon. Small Town Mysteries have always been my favorite and if you love them too, I bet you are in the right place.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Don't forget to comment on my chapters and I'd really appreciate a vote if you liked it.

That's it for now, bye.

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