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Monday, in the school's cafeteria. Days after the accidental murder. Danny and Kale were waiting for Bexie.

It's been only a day and a half, but so far nothing. No one had a clue. The town was still quite, but for how long?

The anxiety between them was electric. Waiting for the shoe to drop while hoping otherwise.

Danny could feel it in his stomach, prickling his skin. Something was horribly wrong. Well duh_ they had killed someone, but there was something else.

He just knew that things were obviously going to blow up in their faces. Everything did when ever he was involve, why not this time?

He was holding his breathe. It almost seemed like he was the only one who was worried. He forced himself to come down as they waited for Bexie so that they could plan their next move. Where was she? They should be getting rid of the body, if not now _ soon.

" Hey guys," she finally arrived, wearing that wide, toothy, Bexie smile of hers signaling that all was right in the world, " it's official, Sophie just invited me to the party,"she said excitedly, hoping the feeling was mutual.

If it was, they didn't quite show it with their faces. " Aren't you excited that I'll be going with you guys?" She asked as she sat down next to them with her lunch, wondering if she had done something wrong. She always seemed to have done something wrong.

" Ecstatic," Danny said sarcastically,  implying that that wasn't really the time for that conversation.

" What Danny is trying to say is that we have bigger fish to permanently get rid off before we go to jail," Kale whispered.

" I still think we should live it where we left it," Bexie commented.

" That grave was at most two feet deep, am pretty sure I could see it's toe ," Danny said.

" So? We'll just dig a deeper one." Bexie said with her mouth full.

" You've got to be joking," Danny exclaimed to Bexie's statement,
"  we need to make sure that nobody can find it. It needs to vanish, like it never existed."

" Then how do we completely get rid of a body?" Kale asked.

" Just don't burn the body," the voice was not Danny's or Kale's not even Bexie's. It was June. She was looking at them with her curious dark, soul piercing eyes.

" Body? Who...who said anything about bodies," Kale said nervously, not because he was talking about _ murder but because he was terrified of a good way. In the way that made his cheeks hot, in the way that made him consider his next words and actions very careful, to impress her or at least not to make a fool of himself.

June smiles at him innocently. She had this ability to make everything look sarcastic " Of course, but if you were, I would advise against burning _ it," and she starts walking away.

She was leaving too soon, Kale wanted her to stay a little longer. " Wait," he called out and she turns, tossing her long braided black hair to her back then stares at him patiently, " if we were talking about bodies, how would one _ get rid of it?"

Danny and Bexie were speechless. They thought that they should stop Kale's mouth but they wanted to know what exactly was happening.

"A body?" She asked just to patronize them, " the best way would be to_ dissolve it in acids."

It immediately made absolute sense in Kale's mind and thought," wow! So smart," a little louder than he intend.

Everyone looked at him with surprise because of his sentence. Kale blushed crimson with shame but Jude was blushing too.

"Wait, how are you so sure?" Danny asked June.

"I commune with the dead," she confidently and quickly said then rushed away. She looked uncomfortable. Kale instantly regretted his every action and hated the fact that he was relieved that she had just left, just so that he wouldn't embarrass himself any further. 

Bexie and Danny could hardly believe their eyes. Kale had a crush on June. Literally the scariest girl in school.

She did make sense when she suggested acids, so that night they gathered everything they would need and went to the woods with a lot of hydrochloric acid to dissolve the body. Only_ where was it?

They dug under the stick, it wasn't there. Around the stick? it wasn't there either. They dug four ditches and found nothing.

You'd think in a haunted forest it would be easier to find a body.

" Maybe we're digging in the wrong place?" Kale asked.

" was right here," Danny panicked, "we just need to keep searching."

" It was two feet deep, if it was here we would have found it by now," Bexie said with more calmness than she was supposed to have.

" We're so screwed," Danny was one wrong word away from loosing his mind.

"This is actually great!" Bexie exclaimed with joy killing Danny's last brain cell," think about it, it's gone, vanished, disappointed...poof, all the evidence..."

"It didn't disappear, someone dug it up and took it," Kale said as if explaining it to a toddler.

"But that's their problem now," Danny slapped his forehead when Bexie said those words, "who's going to believe a couple of kids committed murder?"

"This town," Danny and Kale said it together. Strangely enough... considering the dreadful past of Willowdon, people would believe it.

" No one, no one will think twice of it. Who ever has it now will be the main suspect and they know this, that's why they'll get rid of it for us. See, it's a win, win," Bexie explained with excitement. A smile was shining from her face as if everything they were doing wasn't incredibly immoral.

But what if she was right? They wanted to believe that she was right. It would make things a lot easier, so _they did and it was as if _ the murder next door never happened.

A/N. Kale and June, sitting on a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g.
Sorry 🤭 couldn't help myself.
I hope you like June. She's a little late to the party but she's here.

Comment if you think they'd make a cute couple😊.

But also, oh no! where did the body go?😳😆.

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