In the previous article, I talked about the different aspects of anxiety and depression in Islam, how these mental health disorders are alarmingly prevalent today and why you need to learn how to get rid of them.
The truth of the matter is, these mental health conditions can sometimes lead us to a point where we convince our minds that we have no incentive to drag ourselves out of them. Consequently, many resort to taking antidepressants. I’m not going to be the judge of whether you are taking the easy way out or the cause of your anxiety/depression truly calls for medicine.
I know for a fact that everyone sufferring from such mental health problems has a different story and it would be foolish to deny the therapeutic effect of medicine. But I want you to know that Islam has a way out for everything. Yes, everything. And that is a vital part of the belief system of a Muslim. In this article, you will learn:
4 golden rules to learn before beginning to apply the techniques
4 Stages on how to overcome depression and anxiety in Islam
Strategies to overcome depression and anxiety in Islam (these ones don’t include taking medicine)
Emotional Resilience: What is it and how to attain it?
List of surahs from The Quran that contain therapeutic value for mental health disorders
(see the chapter: Sadness and Depression)Before you begin, let me warn you.. this article is more of a manual (kinda long.. okay, really long) on overcoming depression and anxiety in Islam, but it’s as comprehensive as it gets. I want you to get all the information to walk out of depression and anxiety in one place.Let’s begin with…
Begin with 4 Golden Rules
Rule # 1: Apply Easiest Strategies First
What may be easier for you might be very difficult for somebody else to achieve. The number of stages that I will mention below comprise of activities and small steps for you to take in order to overcome depression anxiety in Islam. Only you know best which steps are easier for you. I advise you to start with those. For eg, waking up early in the morning might be easier for you than breaking the cycle of sin (cycle implies that you are repeatedly committing one particular sin- for eg, listening to music or having haram relationships etc).
If you start by doing something that’s very difficult, chances are you will give up sooner. Besides, if you are unable to achieve that particular goal after multiple attempts, you will lower your self-esteem further. As a result, you will end up more depressed/ anxious.
Rule # 2: Don’t Give Up Even If You Fail Multiple Times
So you missed fajr again? I’m not going to tell you it’s fine. But what I can tell you is that, don’t let shaiytaan get into your head and convince you to miss other prayers as well. That’s one of his clever strategies. Feeling bad after sinning/ missing a prayer is good. It shows your inner conscience is still alive.
But feeling so bad that you end up in a cycle of self-loathe and sinning more (convincing yourself that you can never be forgiven by Allah or that you don’t deserve to be happy now that you have sinned etc) is not Islam-that’s all Shaiytan. For the Muslims trying to be better, Shaiytaan keeps a close track record of their activities. The moment they slip or make a mistake, Shaiytaan sneaks into their heads with his evil whispers.
Allah S.W.T says: “And never give up hope of Allah’s soothing mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah’s soothing mercy, except those who have no faith.” [Surah Yusuf 12: Ayah 87]
Spiritual"Be a Good Muslim" is a book dedicated to spreading knowledge about Islam and exploring a multitude of topics within the faith. The author's aim is to offer readers a comprehensive overview of various aspects of Islam while sharing their understandi...