A New Convert's Go-To Guide To Islam For the Start of Your Muslim Life

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So, you're new to Islam! I want to begin by welcoming you with the greeting of Islam: Assalamu Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You)!

Welcome to Islam! May Allah (S) shower you with His peace and blessings!

You are now a part of the beautiful religion of Islam and a part of a worldwide sisterhood, Alhamdulillah! We want to extend a [virtual] hand and let you know that you are not alone; we got your back, girl! ;)

efore we begin with this beginner's guide to Islam, please understand that it is normal to feel a medley of different emotions – from happy, to nervous, to anxious and even overwhelmed. This is a major transition for you, one that will touch every aspect of your life. Islam is such a beautiful religion, but the process of learning all of the rules and guidelines can be overwhelming at first, especially for a convert who has other responsibilities in life to balance, like school, work, family, etc.
Muslims are always encouraged to seek knowledge and learn more about the Quran and Sunnah (more on these words later!) and to work towards a having a better connection with our Creator, Allah .

Some Terms to Know

Allah (S): The term for "God" in the Arabic language (the "S" after Allah is short for subhanahu wa ta'ala, an honorific term meaning "the most glorified, most high.")

Quran: The holy book of Islam 

Ayah: A verse in the Quran

Deen: Faith

Du'a: A call prayer to Allah (S) from yourself. Whenever you ask Allah (S) for something or communicate something to Him, you are making du'a. Du'a is your connection with Allah (S) and can be made in any language. Allah (S) has promised to answer the du'a of the believer, although it is not always immediate or in a direct way. Muslims have full faith that He ultimately knows (and gives us) what's best for us. 

Dunya: This world, or the worldly life

Eid: The Muslim holiday. There are two Eids: Eid ul-Fitr– follows the holy month of Ramadan (lasts three days); and Eid ul-Adha – during Hajj on the 10th day of the last month of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah (lasts four days).

Emaan/Iman: Faith. There are six pillars of faith in Islam (different from the five pillars of Islam, which are shahada, prayer, fasting, zakat, Hajj pilgrimage).

Fard: Obligatory. It's used to describe obligatory acts in Islam, such as prayer. 

Fatwa: A

scholar's judgment/ruling on a matter. This can only be given by a credible and recognized scholar of Islam.

Ghusl: Full shower required after sexual intercourse or after a woman's menses is finished that must be done before one resumes praying. 

Hadith: A verified saying or report about the Prophet Muhammad (S).

Hajj: Annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Performing Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam but is only mandatory for those who are physically and financially able to afford it.

Halal: Permissible in Islam.

Haram: Forbidden in Islam

Hijab: The scarf a Muslim woman wears on her head to cover her hair. It is fard on a Muslim woman to cover her hair and body and dress very modestly.

'Ibadah: Worship. 

Iftar: The meal you eat to break your fast after sunset.

Imam: Leader of prayers.

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