Quranic Lens

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"So! Today I'm writing this chapter for some of my fellow Muslims to provide them with some reality through the lens of the Quran. So don't leave; read the full chapter attentively and feel free to ask me any questions related to this chapter in the comment section. If you want to ask privately, try the link in my bio; it's an Instagram link, and I also have a Pinterest account that I will share with you guys later.

So today we are going to talk about LGBTQ (I know I have a separate book for this topic, but most people only read this one)."

Many Muslims around the world believe that it is permissible to be part of the LGBTQ community and that it is halal.

So let's clarify why it is not permissible and the harm it can cause.

As Muslims, we have to follow certain rules.

"Let's start with human nature. As we all know, we all have nafs (desires), and we try our best not to follow our nafs blindly. There are three types of nafs mentioned in the Quran, which I have already written a chapter about. Let's just revise it quickly:"

1. The first is nafs-ul-ammarah.

إِنَّ النَّفْسَ لَأَمَّارَةٌ بِالسُّوءِ

Indeed the nafs that overwhelmingly commands a person to do sin.[12:53]

So this refers to that nafs, that is ruling over the self. This means that the nafs commands us and tells us what to do. So when the nafs has any desire, any wish, any appetite, it simply commands us, it dominates us. It is that nafs which is sovereign over a human being, it has sovereignty over us. What it means is that the nafs is sovereign over us, if it is Ammarah, it means we are subjugated by it, we are sub-ordinate to it, we listen and follow all of its dictates and commands. So this is the first type of nafs and the sign that a person has this type of nafs is that they sin willingly, blatantly, remorselessly, in any way that they ever want.

And if we think about it, in many places in the west, this concept is actually glorified because people say "you should do whatever makes you happy, do whatever pleases you, do whatever your heart desires". They may glamorize that by saying that it's the heart but actually there are many people, whether in east or west, even muslims now, that are doing what our passion desires. So that means that we have a nafs-ul-ammarah.

2. Second type of nafs is known as nafs-ul-lawwamah.

Lawwamah, lawwam, it's the same type of word as ammar and Allah Almighty has mentioned this in Quran:

وَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَةِ


Lawwam here means to self incriminate, to self reproach, to have blame, to do mulamat of oneself. So, this is that nafs that does sometimes bring a person to do sin, but then that nafs self incriminates itself, it reproaches itself, it feels bad, it feels guilty. And then this guilt is supposed to increase so much so then the person leaves those sins because they feel so guilty about them. So, the sign of this is precisely that the person has such a nafs that when they commit a sin they feel remorse, regret, they feel guilt, they feel shame, they feel embarrassment, they wish they could take it back, they wish they never did it, they may even intend at that moment never to do that again. So, they are fighting a battle with their nafs. Sometimes they make sin and sometimes they are able to stay away from sin.

3. The third way this word has been used in the Quran-e-Kareem is nafs-ul-mutmainnah.

يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً

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