Displaying your Devotion

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Wear the hijab. If you are truly devoted  to turning over a new lead & becoming a best MUSLIMAH that you can be.wear the hijab. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth that cover hair, it cover & protects your whole self, including your mannerisms, speech your gaze  and your heart . It changes you mentlly and spirituality. Think of it as a way for Allah azza wajjal to protect the women. As soon as you wear the hijab, your whole perspective on self-respect and values will automatically change. Infact women are not  allowed to pray without the hijab since the hidth of prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasalam reads " The prayer of women will not accepted without the headcover" Hijab is mandatory, as explained in the Quran 33:59-60
"women should cover to be recognised as part of the Muslim group",
while in 24:30-31 " women are told to pull down their head covers and make them  long enough to cover their breasts with a 'khumur' which means something which cover the head"
The word is from the same root word for alcohol, since it is a substance  when consumed covers and cloud the head and the mind .

Dress Modestly. This means you have to cover your whole body . You have to wear loose clothes. Hijab is not supposed to be fashionable . Rather it is command from Allah (SWT). Avoid cloth that are too tight   such as skinny jeans. Remember that it is obligatory to cover the whole body except the face and hands, which are highly recommended, although some scholars held the view  that it is obligatory especially in  the Hanbali school of thought. If you truly believe according to the evidence it is obligatory, then go ahead and make an effort to cover your face with the niqab and your hands with gloves as no harm can come  from it . This also helps to change your whole outlook on what is acceptable and what is not .

السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہْ

Remember me in ur dua's
Allah's slave..
Till then
Allah Hafiz...

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