Basket 54

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Third POV

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Third POV

"Okay, you got everything, Risa?" Aneko asked the blonde woman just as she shut the driver's side door to her own car, looking back to see Marisa digging something out of the front passenger's seat of (Y/N)'s car.

News about what had happened the night before with Okami had spread quicker than a wildfire in the Bashira family. Hibiki had sent a message in the family group chat and that's kind of where it all started. That and Hayate thought it was weird that his little brother was driving his baby sister's car. Did a part of him think that maybe Hibs thieved it from her?

Yeah...because that's something he would do.

However, right when he had gone out to ask some very....obvious questions, Hayate immediately saw the look on Hibiki's face, the one where he looked like a zombie. That's when the eldest Bashira son knew something bad had gone down. Anywho, long story short, while everyone wanted to be angry and go cause a riot, they knew that their little ball of sunshine was much more important.

So, Aneko came up with the idea of making her a little 'Feel Better' basket and giving it to her when whoever went to go drop her car off at her house. That fell on Marisa because Hayate had to actually go to work for his morning shift at his modeling agency before he went to class. Even with his arguing before Marisa just slapped him to get him to shut up. (Y/N) wouldn't want him to miss work or school, so she was simply honoring the girl's wishes. And the eldest Bashira daughter decided to tag along with too.

Hibiki wanted to try and argue that he could skip part of practice to come with. Then he was reminded that his twin and captain would drop kick his ass if he did that. Like, Aneko totally understood that the brother wanted to go see how their  sister was doing, but at the same time, they all knew that the triple threat wouldn't want either of them to put their practice or job at risk. Her twin needed to be ready for when she came to kick his booty at the Winter Cup.

And now, here the two women were just as Marisa finally took one last look at the last minute put together basket.

"I think so. Squishmallows, her favorite coffee, and snacks galore," the blonde woman listed off all of the things that the family had pitched in to give (Y/N) before she hauled it up in her arms, shutting the car door with her foot.

"Perfect. Alright, let's go give our little girl some lovin'," Aneko grinned before the two of them made their way up to the triple threat's front door, ready for hugs, kisses, everything under the sun.

The eldest Bashira child then proceeded to knock three times on the door before waiting a couple of seconds. Since that seemed to be how long it took her little sister to get from where she was in the house to the front door depending on how tired she was. However, a full ass thirty seconds passed and no one had come to the door.

Cue the two women to arch their eyebrows. 'Twas not like the tall girl to take that long unless she was in the bathroom. But the thing was, usually there'd be some kind of noise coming from her pets. There was none of that, just dead silence. Both Aneko and Marisa slowly turned to one another, both of them looking rather suspicious and a bit weirded out.

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