5 missed calls

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A/n: here we gooo, first chapter! Feel free to vote and comment it means a lot!

A/n: here we gooo, first chapter! Feel free to vote and comment it means a lot!

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Y/n's POV:

I sighed, collapsing onto my bed, I looked at my phone: '5 missed calls from Tara<3'

I frowned and called her back. Last time me and Tara talked, we got into a huge argument, which for us was very rare. It wasn't even over anything important. I guess we just needed space away from each other for a bit seeing as we were having non-stop sleepovers for two weeks straight.

She didn't answer the call, I looked at the messages she sent me:


Y/n I'm scared
There's some idiot calling me
He won't stop
Dumbass can you answer for once
Y/n I don't know if you're still mad but this is serious
I'm not fucking around
I'm really scared

Answer the phone Tara

How did you know the phone was ringing

This isn't Y/n
Answer the phone bitch

I stared at my phone, was this a prank? I never sent those messages. I jumped up, grabbing my school varsity jacket that rested on the back of my chair, tucked neatly into my desk.

I rushed to put it on, rummaging through my pockets for my car keys. I groaned in annoyance, unable to find them.

I decided to run. I quickly went to my window, opening it and climbing out, being careful not to be too loud and wake up my parents or sister.

I started sprinting down the street as fast as I could, the harsh cold wind blowing in my face. Luckily Tara didn't live too far from me, I turned around a corner and could already see the blue and red flashing lights, my mouth went dry, begging to myself they got there in time.

I pushed myself to run faster as I got to the house, I saw Tara being brought out on a stretcher, an oxygen mask on and covered in blood, my heart sank. I brought my hand to my mouth, taking a shaky breath.

I tried to get closer but I was pushed back by two officers,
"Sorry this is a closed crime scene" one said, I shook my head,
"No no...that's my friend, my best friend" I said, choking on my tears.

This all felt like a dream. It didn't feel real. It felt like it was happening so quickly. Like a fever dream.

"I'm sorry but you can't be here" The other said, pulling the tape down and walking away. I watched, helpless as she was carried into the back of an ambulance.

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