Holy shit Sidney fucking Prescott

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A/n: okay so slow burn is kinda slow burning???

A/n: okay so slow burn is kinda slow burning???

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Y/n's POV:

I sighed heavily as Daenerys' death scene played on the tv,
"You never told me she died!" Tara exclaimed, tears in her eyes, I chuckled.

"I couldn't spoil it!" I defended, the door opened, I looked over and Sam walked in,
"Hey guys" Sam said, she sat down on Tara's bed.

"You watching game of thrones?" She asked us, Tara nodded.

"How you feeling?" Sam asked Tara,
"Well every time I get attacked they give me stronger painkillers so that's a plus" Tara said they both laughed.

"I'm sorry..." Sam said, Tara looks at her,
"For what? You saved me" Tara said,
"For not telling you sooner. For being the reason dad left" Sam explained.

"You're not the reason dad left. You didn't choose who or where you came from. I don't blame you for that. I blame you for leaving too" Tara said,

Sam looked at her,
"I'm sorry, that's not going to happen again" Sam reassured,
"I know. You knew I was in trouble last night and you came when it mattered most" Tara said.

"You're so high right now" Sam chuckled, Tara nodded,
"So high..." she admitted.

"I love you..." Sam said to her, she smiled,
"I love you too" they hugged.

I sighed,
"I love you Y/n, I love you too Y/n" I said to myself, the sisters laughed and Tara chucked a pillow at me,
"Love you Y/n" she giggled,
"Love you too Tara"

Sam looked at me,
"I dont not like you" Sam said to me,
"Oh that's a shame cause I hate you" I joked, she chuckled and chucked the other pillow at me,
"Great now I have four pillows!" I said, they laughed.

After a couple of hours of watching tv and talking we started to leave. I pushed Tara out the room in her wheelchair while making car noises,
"You're so immature" Tara said, chuckling.

I made a loud braking noise as we stopped because someone called for Sam, we looked over,
"Holy shit Sidney fucking Prescott" I muttered.

"Hey" She said, smiling at me, she looked back at Sam,
"You're Billy's daughter?" Sidney asked as she looked at Sam,
"Can you go get the car?" Sam asked Richie, he nodded and we went out.

"That was actually Sidney Prescott..." I said to Tara as we got in the car,
"Yeah I saw her too Y/n, she kinda looked like you" Tara chuckled, I smiled and put my seatbelt on,
"No she didn't" I laughed.

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