Act 1

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Set in scream 5!

Y/n Freeman:

Y/n Freeman:

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18. Lesbian. Single. Best friends with Tara Carpenter. Amber Freeman's sister. Alive

Sam Carpenter:

Sam Carpenter:

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24. Bisexual. Dating Richie Kirsch. Daughter of Billy Loomis. Alive

Tara carpenter:

Tara carpenter:

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18. Bisexual. Dating Amber Freeman. Best friends with Y/n Freeman. Alive

Amber Freeman:

Amber Freeman:

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18. Bisexual. Dating Tara Carpenter. Y/n Freeman's sister. Alive

Y/n never met Sam Carpenter, she had only ever heard the stories her best friend Tara had told her. About how Sam left when Tara was young, walked out on her leaving her alone with her alcoholic mother who doesn't even try to look after her. Hence why they always have sleepovers (Amber joins them too)

So Y/n was sure she hated like Sam, after what she put her best friend through theres no way she would ever like her, but will that change when she finally meets the girl?

Varsity Jacket: Sam Carpenter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now