Dont insult The Babadook

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A/n: every body wants to rule the worldddd

A/n: every body wants to rule the worldddd

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Y/n's POV:

My evening wasn't going well, here's a short summary. After turning around back to the bar, realising I forgot my varsity jacket, I saw a literal dead body in the car park. My friends and I got interrogated by police chief, Sheriff Hicks. Luckily me and Judy got along well due to me being friends with Wes, so she trusted me and my judgement.

Now I was in the hospital room with Tara, Judy, Richie, Amber and of course, Sam. Who apparently just got attacked by Ghostface.

"So you're saying he called you on your phone?" Judy asked Sam,
"Yes" Sam said before looking over at me, "from Y/n's number" she said accusingly.

"Well he messaged Tara on Y/n's phone the other night too, I thought we already established he cloned her phone" Amber defended,
"Yeah or she did it" Richie spoke up.

We all turned to him,
"And where were you when this happened?" Judy asked Richie who sighed and looked down embarrassingly before looking back,
"I was...watching Netflix" he admitted lamely.

"Yeah super solid alibi bro" I said, scoffing,
"So where were you?" He asked me pointedly,
"Me?" I asked, "I was at the police station with the sheriff, but your Netflix alibi is good too" I fought back.

"Both of you stop it" Judy ordered and we complied,
"You're gonna put more police on her floor right?" Sam asked, I looked over at the brunette.

"We're stretched really thin, the best we can do is move you to a private floor, deputy Vinson knows what he's doing, you'll be safe" Judy reasoned, but Sam didn't back down,
"Like we've been so far?" She bit, Judy forced a smile,
"Let's step outside Sam" she said.

Sam and Judy stepped out the room, I watched as Sam walked, her arms folded in front of her chest, It only then clicked on my brain that she was wearing my varsity jacket. I must've left it on my seat at the bar and she took it, that's why I couldn't find it.

I would've taken it from her, but she looked good- no I mean it was keeping her warm, that's what I mean, I may not like her but that doesn't mean she has to be cold. She could wear it for a bit longer I guess.

I looked at her eyes, only then noticing the similarities they held to Tara's.

The deep brown, almost black. Like pools of dark chocolate, I felt like I could look into them forever. I snapped out of it when her eyes met mine, I looked away shaking my head with a sigh.

I tried to ignore whatever the hell I was just thinking, pushing it down.

"Were you just staring at my girlfriend?" Richie asked, glaring at me, I looked at him but didn't answer. I sat down next to Tara's bed.

"How you feeling?" I asked,
"I little shocked...I mean Ghostface was literally just in the other room, and I was here...sleeping" she said, "I feel so useless like this..." she admitted.

Varsity Jacket: Sam Carpenter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now