Im not hugging you

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A/n: the slow burn isn't slow burning...

A/n: the slow burn isn't slow burning

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Y/n's POV:

Sam and I were sat on the curb together, I was leaning against her with my head resting on her shoulder. Surprised she even let me get this close.

We stayed like that for a while, till she sat up abruptly, my head dropped off her shoulder,
"What?" I asked her, she didn't answer and rushed over to one of the officers, I recognised him, Deputy Vinson, he was meant to be looking after Tara.

I got up too, rushing after her,
"Why aren't you at the hospital?" Sam demanded, but she didn't let him answer, "who's looking after my sister?!" She exclaimed.

She ran to her car and j went after her,
"Sam slow down! I'm sure they sent somewhere there, and if not she'll be okay on her own" I tried to calm Sam down, we both got in the car,
"Yeah cause you'd love for her to be alone, so whoever else you're working with can go finish her off" she spat.

I didn't get to respond as Dewey quickly got into the car,
"Go!" He exclaimed, Sam started driving full speed down the roads to the hospital.

I held on tight, trying to ignore the aching feeling I had in my chest after what Sam said to me, it stung.

She tried calling Tara. Honestly my mind just blanked. I stared out the window, ignoring the conversation going on between Sam and Ghostface.

I couldn't tell why it stung this badly. I don't know why its hit me this hard, I don't even like Sam, who cares if she hates me. I thought to myself.

We pulled up at the hospital and rushed inside, going straight to an elevator. We got in and I pressed the button for Tara's floor,
"Maybe not..." Sam said, pretending to be said, "or maybe im just stalling for time" she said.

And as if on cue the elevator dinged, the doors opened and Dewey shot at ghostface. I rushed over to Tara to help her up but I felt a tug at my arm, I turned and saw ghostface, he chucked me to the floor and brought his knife down, I screamed in agony.

Sam's POV:

I tried my best to carry Tara to the elevator, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a scream, I turned and saw Ghostface, a knife deep into Y/n's shoulder.

"Sam help her!" Tara yelped, j gently put Tara down in the elevator before running to Ghostface, I kicked him off of Y/n and punched him hard across the face.

I looked at Y/n and rushed to her side,
"Fuck you're bleeding a lot" I muttered, putting pressure on the wound,
"Guess you won't mind that though, one suspect down right?" She grumbled out.

"You're not gonna die, just shut up" I said, pulling her to her feet, I helped her to the elevator, we got in and Y/n pushed me away, leaning against the wall.

"The head..." Dewey muttered,
"What?" I asked,
"You have to shoot them in the head" he said,
"Dewey who cares!" I exclaimed.

"I do..." he rushed out the elevator and the doors shut,
"Dewey no!" I yelled,
"The doors are shut he's not gonna hear you" Y/n said.

"Shut up..." I mumbled, I looked at Tara, "you okay?" I asked her, she shrugged,
"I think I tore like all my stitching" she said, I sighed and nodded,
"We'll get you fixed up" I said, she smiled slightly and hugged me, I put my arms around her, holding her tight.

I looked over at Y/n who was looking at me, I tried to figure out what the look was but all I could think was...longing? There's no way.

Richie looked at Y/n and smiled a bit,
"I'm not hugging you" Y/n said, moving away from him. I tried not to laugh but a short laugh came out, he frowned and looked down, clearly embarrassed.

Tara sat in an ambulance with Y/n, the paramedics kept trying to give her painkillers but she was being stubborn and refusing. I sighed and walked over, I grabbed the tablets and my water bottle.

"Open your mouth" I told her, she hesitantly complied, I put the tablet in her mouth then poured water in, I held her jaw shut with my hand, "swallow" I told her, she shook her head, "Y/n, swallow it"

She scowled at me but eventually swallowed it,
"That sounded so wrong" she said, as I let go,
"What did?" I asked,
"The whole open your mouth and swallow it" she said, mocking me.

I sighed and handed her the bottle,
"Whatever Y/n" I said, I saw Gale walk over, I quickly went over with Richie.

Y/n's POV:

"Why can't you two get along?" Tara asked as she leaned against me,
"Well we were earlier, really well. We got ice cream and stuff, then on our way here she snapped at me, accused me of being the killer again" I explained.

Tara sighed,
"She was just stressed Y/n, I'm sure she didn't mean it" she reasoned,
"Nah she just hates me" I said,
"Trust me, she definitely doesn't hate you...I think she likes you" Tara teased, dragging out the 'you'

"Ew T she doesn't..." I said, but the blush on my cheeks said otherwise. A doctor came over,
"Okay we're gonna take you guys up to a room now, you can share if you want?" The doctor asked, I nodded and got up.

I helped Tara into her wheelchair,
"No Y/n I don't trust you to push Tara" Sam said,
"Oh come on I'll be very careful" I said,

We started walking to the hospital room,
"Y/n I wanna do a wheelie again" Tara said, I chuckled and pulled the wheelchair back a bit so it was balancing on the back two wheels while I pushed it.

"No Y/n that's dangerous" Sam said,
"You know what's more dangerous? Putting a ramp on the roof and pushing Tara off it" I said, grinning as we went into the hospital room.

"Oh my god can we do that?" Tara asked,
"No!" Sam exclaimed,
"I'll do it then by myself" I said, sitting on my bed,
"No you fucking won't" Sam said, glaring at me.

"No no without Tara I mean, as in I'll go off the roof" I explained, she nodded,
"I know what you mean, you're not doing that" she said,
"I'm gonna check on Gale" she said before walking out.

"Damn...she cares" I said, laying down in my bed,
"Told you!" Tara exclaimed. I chuckled and shook my head.

I leaned over and grabbed the remote for the tv,
"Game of thrones?" I asked, Tara nodded
"Game of thrones" she repeated.


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