Locked pinkies

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Y/n's POV:

Sam and I rushed into Amber's bedroom, shutting the door.
"The blood trail leads into here" I said, we looked around and heard a loud thump in the closet, we both turned to the closet.

Sam held her knife up as we slowly got closer, she swung the door open and looked down to see Tara, her hands were tied and her mouth was covered.

"Holy shit..." I muttered, Sam crouched down and cut Tara's restraints, I pulled the cloth off of Tara's mouth, she pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back.

"I can't believe it's Amber..." she muttered, I nodded and rubbed her back,
"I know..." I sighed and pulled away.

"Let's just get through this and we can deal with the emotions later" I said, Tara chuckled and nodded,
"Alright..." she said.

We got up and I turned to Sam,
"Now what?" I asked Sam.

But my question was answered, we heard a loud thud come from outside,
"Tara go hide" Sam told her.

Sam and I rushed out to see Sidney on the floor at the bottom or the bannisters with Ghostface, well, Amber.

We rushed down the stairs and Sam grabbed the knife off the floor. Richie rushed to her side and took the knife,
"Thank god you're okay..." he muttered, she looked at him.

Without a second of hesitation he pushed the knife deep into her side,
"Because I really wanted to be the one to kill you..." he muttered.

"No!" I yelled, I went to run over but Richie pointed a gun at me,
"get into the kitchen" he said, I shook my head.

He then pressed the gun against Sam's head,
"Kitchen! Now!" He yelled, I nodded and went into the kitchen.

Amber brought Sidney in. She chucked Sidney on the floor and Richie chucked Sam over near me, I rushed to Sam's side, putting pressure on her wound.

"Shit shit shit..." I muttered, keeping as much pressure on the wound as I could.

"See, no one's made a good stab movie since the first one, not really. And this latest one? Talk about 'fuck you' to the fans" Richie explained, Sam glared at him.

"babe...you wanna go get the very ex Mrs Riley?" He said to Amber who nodded and walked out,
"Babe?" I questioned, he smiled and nodded,
"Yeah..." he said, he looked at Sidney and went to her.

"You know...I'm a huge fan" he grinned,
"Go fuck yourself..." she spat,
"Well you know what they say, never meet your heroes"

Richie started going off on his elaborate monologue, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Sam, my full attention on her,
"You're okay..." I muttered, holding her, she groaned and tried to stand up but Amber came back in with Gale, she pointed a gun at Sam.

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