Act 1 epilogue

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A/n: icl I made myself quite sad with Amber's death in the last chapter 😭

A/n: icl I made myself quite sad with Amber's death in the last chapter 😭

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Y/n's POV:

I sat in an ambulance with Sidney and Gale. I turned to Sidney,
"'re my mum?" I asked her, she nodded.
"Yeah...I am" she said, "I'm sorry that...I'm sorry that I didn't keep you" she said.

I smiled a bit,
"It's okay...I mean you're here now, unless if you're going" I questioned, she shook her head,
"I'm staying with you...if that's okay?" She asked, I smiled and nodded,
"More than okay...can I ask a couple of questions?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Did you name me? Or did my adopted parents name me?" I asked,
"I did...the minute I saw you I knew that was gonna be your name" she said, I nodded.

"And you know who my dad is?" I asked, she nodded,
"Yeah, honestly he was just some hook up...sorry" she said, I chuckled and nodded,
"Thank god, I was worried he was Billy Loomis, then that would be awkward because like that means I like my step-sister which is not okay" I said.

She chuckled,
"Um...turn around" she said,
"I assume Sam's there so I'm just gonna choose not too" I said, I heard Sam laugh, I turned and looked at her,
"Hey..." I said to her

"Hey...can we talk?" She asked me, I nodded and got up, she took me to the side, "how are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Shit, complete shit" I answered honestly, laughing a bit, earning a smile from Sam,
"You did the right thing..." she said.

"Did I? Cause god it doesn't feel right, but whatever, so I just found out that Billy Loomis is not my dad, meaning you're not related to me, which is perfect cause honestly I think I really like you, like you're really pretty, you're smart and you have a literal six pack, and of course know you don't like me back that's okay" I rambled, I was cut off by Sam.

She cupped my face. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks as she leaned in, capturing my lips in a searing kiss. It was a deep kiss, her mouth explored mine with an intense passion that made my heart race. Her tongue tasted mine, each movement sending jolts of electricity through me as her hands roamed me down to my waist where they rested.

She gently pulled away, my cheeks were bright red,
"Holy shit..." I muttered,
"Was that your first kiss? She asked me, trying not to laugh,
"Was I that bad?" I asked, she shook her head,
"You were perfect Y/n" she said before connecting our lips once more.


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