Strawberry magerita

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A/n: wee woo, ima try make this as much of a slow burn as I can, so bare with and just work with me here guys I ain't good at slow burns 😭

A/n: wee woo, ima try make this as much of a slow burn as I can, so bare with and just work with me here guys I ain't good at slow burns 😭

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Sam's POV:

I watched Y/n walk out, my eyes following her, slowly trialing down her body, looking at her outfit, she wore a white crop top, blue baggy jeans and a soccer varsity jacket.

she shut the door and I looked back at Tara, I sat down on the bed, gently taking her hands in mine as she stared crying.

"I was so scared Sam" she said, I nodded, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb,
"I know...but you're safe now Tara, I'm here, and I'm not leaving until that asshole is found" I reassured, she smiled slightly at me and nodded.

"Has mum been home much?" I asked, she looked down and shook her head,
"She's been gone for like 2 weeks now...Y/n stayed with me every night but we got into an argument the night a few hours before I was attacked" She explained.

I furrowed my brows in suspicion,
"Wes said the messages from Ghostface came from her phone, is that true?" I asked, Tara nodded, that was all I needed, I went to stand up but Tara gripped my hand,
"Wait Sam, it's not Y/n though" she said, I looked at her confused.

"How can it not be?" I asked, Tara tried to think of a reason,
"She's my best friend, she would never hurt me" she said, I sighed heavily, deciding it's best not to argue with her when she's in this state, I sighed and nodded.

After we spoke for an hour or so I had an idea,
"Y/n and the others are at the bar near the hospital, right?" I asked, Tara nodded,
" get some sleep, I'm gonna go" I said, laying a gentle kiss on Tara's head as I got up.

"Sam don't go and accuse Y/n of being the attacker" Tara pleaded, I looked at her,
"I'm not going to Tara, I just want to talk to her, get to know her" I said. She sighed and nodded, I smiled and walked off.

I went into the bar and looked at Y/n and the others, Y/n stood next to Chad, they were talking about me I could tell, I heard Chad say about his Pokémon pyjamas, I chuckled and walked over.

"Hey guys" I said, they smiled at me, all but Y/n,
"Who invited you" she remarked, I looked at her, slightly taken aback by her rudeness,
"Y/n stop...don't worry Sam you're more than welcome here, the more suspects the better" Mindy said, smiling at me.

"Uh thanks?" I said, they started a conversation, something about horror films. Y/n stayed quiet while they spoke. I looked at her, she was already looking at me but she looked away when she saw me looking.

I couldn't tell if she was glaring at me or not, but it seemed like it.

I sighed and went to the bar to get a drink, i looked back at Y/n, she looked pinkies with Amber then turned round and looked at me, I looked away.

I was about to speak but I was interrupted,
"One strawberry Margarita please"

I turned and looked at the girl who ordered, Y/n of course. The bartender nodded and started making her drink,
"Are you even old enough to drink?" I asked her, she turned to me,
"Are you young enough to be going around without a wheelchair?" She bit back.

I scoffed and shook my head looking away from her, "I'm 18, same age as Tara, I know you were out her life for a while but I thought you'd still keep up with her birthdays" she said.

I looked at her, genuinely shocked that she spoke to me like that without hesitating for a second.

I scoffed,
"What do you even know" I asked her, she took her drink and turned to me,
"I know that shortly after her father walked out on her you started getting your hands on every drug you could find, involving yourself in bad people, getting in a bunch of trouble before you walked out on her too" Y/n said.

"Did I miss anything?" She asked, yes, a lot, I sighed and looked at the bartender,
"Just a bud light please" I asked, the bartender nodded and handed me a bud light.

I heard a scoff,
"Makes sense" Y/n said, I looked at her,
"What?" I asked, she pointed to my drink,
"Bud light is shit, I'm not surprised you of all people chose it" she said.

"And a strawberry margarita is any better?" I asked, she nodded,
"Much better..." she slid the glass to me, I looked at it and drank some, my eyes widened slightly, I hated to admit it but it was good.

Y/n ordered another one and let me have hers,
"So...where were you on the night Tara got attacked?" I asked her, taking a sip of my drink, ignoring the disregarded bottle of bud light.

"I was in my room, after having a fight with my parents" She explained,
"That's bullshit" I said, she looked at me confused,
"When I spoke to Tara she told me that apparently you appeared right after Ghostface disappeared" I explained.

Y/n cocked an eyebrow,
"Right? What's your point?" She asked,
"I'm just saying, didn't the same thing happen in stab 1" I explained, choosing not to mention my dad by name.

"yeah yeah with Billy Loomis, I've already had that bullshit tonight, well what do you expect me to do when my best friend gets attacked? Just stay in my room?" She asked, scoffing before she got up, paying for both our drinks and walking to the others.

I looked at her as she spoke to them before walking out, I looked at where she was sat before, her varsity jacket on her seat,
"Y/n you-" I started but cut myself off as she walked out the door, I looked back at the jacket.

I picked it up and walked out too, hoping to catch up to her, but as I got there I saw her car already gone. I sighed in disappointment and decided to head back to the hospital.

I walked into Tara's room, seeing her asleep. Richie was in the corner on his phone watching something with headphones on,
"What are you watching?" I asked him,
"Uh stabs on Netflix" he said, I frowned slightly.

"What? I wanna be prepared" he said, I sighed and walked out to go get some coffee. Feeling a bit of a breeze, the hairs on my bare arms stood up slightly, I looked at the jacket in my hands.

Hesitantly, I put it on. I walked into a room where a vending machine and a few tables were, I took my tablets out my pocket, taking one.

My heart almost jumped out my chest when I saw my dad in the mirror,
"Those pills not working as well, huh?" He asked,
"Go away..." I said,
"Oh come on, Ghostface is back, this is the perfect opportunity for you to take after your old about you go after that Y/n girl, you took her jacket, might as well take her life" Billy said, I was about to reply but my thoughts were snapped away by my phone ringing.

I looked at it, 'Y/n Freeman' , how did she even get my number, I thought.

I looked back at the mirror, he was gone. I picked up the phone,
"Hello Samantha" a deep voice said, definitely not Y/n,
"Who is this?" I asked,

"Someone who knows your secret" he said, my eyes widened in realisation,
"You're the fucker who hurt my sister" I spat,
"She's not the only one I'll hurt, I had to get you to come back here somehow didn't I?" He asked.

"You want me? Well I'm right here, come and get me asshole" I said,
"With pleasure" he replied, I turned around and the door swung open, revealing Ghostface.


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