One spoon for two

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A/n: I watched Abigail last night and omg it was so good, Joey is so AHHHH

A/n: I watched Abigail last night and omg it was so good, Joey is so AHHHH

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Y/n's POV:

I was looking at the tv screen, Daenerys was currently burning down kings landing, of course me and Tara cheered her on.

I got a notification on my phone, I turned my attention away from the tv and picked up my phone, looking at the message from the group chat:

"Y/n I'm right next to you, you could've just said that" Tara said, chuckling, she looked at my phone, "IM NOT A MIDGET" she yelled, seeing my contact name for her

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"Y/n I'm right next to you, you could've just said that" Tara said, chuckling, she looked at my phone, "IM NOT A MIDGET" she yelled, seeing my contact name for her.

"gotta go!" I exclaimed, jumping up and running out the room before she could say anything else.

I walked into Mindy and Chad's house. Amber walked over to me with a smile, I smiled back and we locked pinkies like usual,
"How's Tara?" She asked me,
"She's alright Amb" I said.

I sat on in couch of Mindy's house, alone as the others sat on the other couches. I sighed and leaned back,
"How's Tara?" Wes asked me, I looked at him, did he not hear the conversation I just had with Amber? I shrugged,
"She's getting there, I think just a few more days and they'll let her go home" I explained, he nodded in understanding.

"Why do you care so much?" Amber asked, leaning forward,
"Cause she's my friend..." Wes reasoned, giving Amber a confused look.

Suddenly Sam walked in with Richie and Mindy, along with another man. I looked at him confused, he was a tall scruffy looking guy, with a messy grey beard to match his messy grey hair.

Mindy's mum greeted him, it was awkward so I tuned it out, choosing to go on my phone instead,
"You listening Y/n?" Sam asked, sounding agitated,
"Shh...Olivia Rodrigo posted on TikTok" I said, watching the video.

Sam walked over and snatched my phone out my hand,
"You can watch it later" she said, putting my phone in her back pocket of her jeans.

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