Old Work.

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It was like he could feel me, thinking about him as he was thinking about me. Called, off of a random number so I would answer, and I guess he got lucky.
"Look.... I, I just don't wanna talk about this, right now, Kendrick... me and Jonny have a daughter now"
"I know, that's why I stay away... I know he loves you... and Heaven"
"So why you asking me, about me?! When you know what it is, you know what happened...why didn't you tell me about being with Whitney! Until after, we... got together!? Huh!? Like. why would you, ugh... I don't want to do this right now Kendrick" it made me sick to think about it, finding out felt like a whole stab to the stomach I even went home sick that day.

 I don't want to do this right now Kendrick" it made me sick to think about it, finding out felt like a whole stab to the stomach I even went home sick that day

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"So you don't feel nothin', for me, no more... not at all!? Hmm? You honestly can say that!?"
"I, I can say... I love you, and, I know we can never be together the way I wanted to... like, not ever! Like, ever!! So, we have moved on, and you have a daughter now! You can't do this, Kendrick!?" he was quietly trying to accept that for a while now, but couldn't clearly.
"And, you're sure Heaven isn't mine?"
"I'm not doing this, right now... I'm not!"
"Well, we can't just not, Shae..."
"Why now!? What the fuck are you trying to do!!? This isn't a thing, remember!"

"Why you being so secretive, with me? Like this!?"
"Not you talking about secrets!! You made me hide everything for how long now, Kendrick!?"
"That was because..."
"Because we was having sex ! Like every fucking day!!"
"Exactly! That's exactly my point, Shae!"

"She's his, I know she is, for sure! Okay?"
"How!?" I didn't want to say, but it was because Kenny and I had unprotected sex, maybe a handful of times. We had a couple of slips here and there, and it was heavy but with, Johnny, we used protection maybe, the first couple times.
"Kendrick, I'm sorry, okay, you know I love you... but he is her dad and we cannot fucking do this! You're getting married and Johnny wants to have another kid!!"

 but he is her dad and we cannot fucking do this! You're getting married and Johnny wants to have another kid!!"

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"Oh word? He does?!"
"Yes! He does... you need to focus on your kid and,...her"
"You don't want that!? I know you don't!? Another baby, with him. Or me, with her..."
"Stop! Stop it!! I... I don't know what I want right now...but I do know, it's not this shit!! Please, okay!? I want someone who can be with me, openly, no lies, games and secrets... just, us"
"I want that too, with you, Shae... but shit is"-
"You gotta do what's right"

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