24. Happy hearts

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Everyone got to know about Wei Wuxian's return to consciousness and came to meet him one by one.

Jiang Yanli and Madam Yu rushed towards the healer's pavilion as soon as they heard the news. As they entered inside, they saw Wen Quing giving Wuxian his medicine while Wangji sat faithfully beside him.

Madam Yu hurried to Wuxian's bedside and took the seat Wen Quing had vacated. "You dumb brat of mine, how can you do this to all of us? You're always so clever with these kinds of things. How could you not notice there was poison in your juice?" she said with mock anger.

The concern was clear in her tone, and Wuxian understood it better than anyone. "Mother, I am sorry!" he replied, making his eyes wide and innocent. "I will be careful from now on."

Jiang Yanli stepped forward, tears of relief in her eyes. "A-Xian, you had us all so worried," she said softly, taking his hand.

Wei Wuxian smiled warmly at her. "Shijie, I'm sorry for making you worry. I promise to be more cautious."

Lan Zhan watched the reunion quietly, his heart swelling with gratitude for Wei Ying's recovery and the support of their loved ones. Wen Qing, standing nearby, felt a sense of accomplishment and relief.

Madam Yu sighed, her anger dissipating as she looked at her son. "Just make sure you keep that promise, Wuxian. We can't lose you."

"Don't worry, Mother. I'll be more vigilant," Wei Wuxian reassured her, glancing at Lan Zhan with a grateful smile. "I have too much to live for."

As the room filled with a sense of relief and hope, everyone silently vowed to protect each other better and cherish the moments they had together. The future still held uncertainties, but for now, they were together, and that was enough.

After spending a few moments with Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli and Madam Yu left, not before his Shijie thanked Wen Quing for her help in saving her brother.

Wangji turned to Wei Ying, his concern evident. "Wei Ying, rest for some time. Your body is still weak," he said, holding Wei Ying's hands and gently caressing his knuckles.

Wei Ying made a face and said, "But Lan Zhan, I don't like it here. This place smells too much like medicine. How am I supposed to rest?" he whined.

"Where would Wei Ying like to rest?" Lan Zhan asked in a soft tone.

Wei Ying smiled and jokingly suggested, "How about Jingshi! I love that place. Can we go there, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan, not catching the joke, took it seriously and picked Wei Ying up in a bridal style. "Young Lady Wen, I hope you will assist Wei Ying from my place," he said, to which she nodded in agreement.

Wei Ying gasped as Lan Zhan picked him up suddenly. "Lan Zhan! No, what are you doing? Put me down. I was just joking," he protested, but Lan Zhan didn't listen and continued towards Jingshi.

"Lan Zhan, everyone is looking at us," Wei Ying murmured, noticing a few disciples glancing their way before quickly looking away.

Wangji ignored the onlookers and kept moving determinedly towards Jingshi. As they entered the serene and familiar surroundings of Wangji's residence, Wei Ying felt a sense of comfort wash over him.

Lan Zhan gently placed Wei Ying on the bed, arranging the blankets around him. "Rest now, Wei Ying. You need to recover," he said softly.

Wei Ying sighed, realizing there was no arguing with Lan Zhan's determined care. "Alright, Lan Zhan, I'll rest. But only because you're here with me," he conceded, closing his eyes and feeling the soothing presence of his Alpha beside him.

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