26. Pain and worries!

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Hey! my holidays are over and I am again back on my job.
Yes! I do job from last two year as well as I am about to finish my university studies. I was on summer vacation is over now..

Okay get back into story again..

Jiang Cheng was pacing back and forth, unable to sleep the entire night, knowing that his brother was out with his fiancé Wangji, alone and not yet married. His worried behavior was difficult for those around him to handle. Yanli, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning watched him anxiously. Wen Qing and Yanli exchanged glances, sighed, and shook their heads. Wen Ning, the innocent Alpha, looked at Jiang Cheng with concern.

"Where are they? Wuxian still isn't here. I won't leave that Wangji alone if he did something inappropriate to my brother," Jiang Cheng said, his frustration clear.

Yanli tried to calm him down, "A'Cheng, you know Lan Wangji. He would never do anything to harm Wei Ying. They are probably just enjoying their time together."

Wen Qing nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Lan Wangji is very responsible and protective of Wei Wuxian. I'm sure they will be back soon."

Wen Quing, trying to be helpful, added, "Yes, Jiang Cheng. Please try to stay calm. They are both adults and can take care of themselves."

Just then, from the entrance of Cloud Recesses, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying walked in, looking content and happy. Jiang Cheng immediately rushed to his brother, his worry turning into a mix of relief and exasperation.

"Where have you two been? Do you know how worried I... I mean... we all have been?" he demanded.

Wei Ying, with his usual playful smile, replied, "A'Cheng, we were just out enjoying the sunrise. Lan Zhan took me to a beautiful spot to watch it. You should relax more! No need to worry, Cheng Cheng."

Jiang Cheng huffed, "I was not worried. Who said I am worried about you? Brat!" He was still not entirely convinced but visibly relieved.

Yanli smiled gently, stepping forward to hug her brothers. "Now that you're back, let's all have breakfast together. It's good to see you both safe and sound."

Lan Wangji looked at Wei Ying. "Wangji will leave; need to talk to brother."

Wei Ying nodded smilingly and thanked him, saying goodbye.

As they all settled down for breakfast in their guest quarters, the atmosphere lightened. Wei Ying shared his experience, and Jiang Cheng, while still a bit grumpy, couldn't help but feel grateful that his brother was happy and well.

Yanli poured tea for everyone, her serene presence calming the room. "A'Ying, it sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'm glad you could enjoy such a beautiful morning."

Wei Ying beamed, "It was amazing, Shijie. Lan Zhan really knows the best spots."

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "Just be careful next time, alright?"

Wei Ying chuckled, "Of course, A'Cheng. I'll make sure to keep you informed."

With that, the family enjoyed their breakfast, the bond between them stronger than ever.


Wangji reached his brother's study where Xichen had invited him for breakfast. The meal was peaceful, but Wangji could sense the tension in his brother's demeanor. After finishing their meal, they moved on to tea, sitting in a comfortable silence that allowed Xichen to gather his thoughts.

Xichen began slowly, choosing his words carefully. "The elders had a meeting with me and Uncle yesterday. They are worried about the future heir of the sect."

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