28. Truth of Xue Yang.

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In the pre-evening, all the boats reached Yunmeng's docks. Everyone made their way to Lotus Pier to rest. Wei Wuxian, still sleeping due to the sedative Wen Qing had given him to ease his earlier pain, was carefully carried by Lan Wangji. Despite Jiang Cheng's initial intention to carry his brother, Lan Wangji's protective instincts had already kicked in, and he gently but firmly took Wei Wuxian in his arms.

A carriage had been arranged for Wei Wuxian, ensuring a smoother journey to Lotus Pier. Lan Wangji set him inside the carriage, ensuring he was comfortable before they set off.

Xu Yang was also unconscious because of lack of spiritual energy. He was directly send to interogation room by Jiang's disciple. Xao XingChen to came with them in lotus pier as he have business to deal with Xu Yang.

As they arrived at Lotus Pier, Jiang Fengmian stood at the entrance, anxiously awaiting their return. His worry deepened when he saw Lan Wangji carrying an unconscious Wei Wuxian from the carriage.

Seeing their delayed arrival and the state Wei Wuxian was in, Jiang Fengmian's concern grew. It was clear to him that they had encountered some sort of trouble.

Lan Wangji carefully tucked Wei Wuxian into bed in his room, brushing a tender kiss on his forehead before stepping out to join the others in the Jiang throne hall. The atmosphere in the hall was tense, with everyone clearly affected by the day's events.

Jiang Fengmian's eyes followed Lan Wangji as he entered the hall. "Hanguang Jun, thank you for your assistance," he said, his voice a mix of gratitude and concern. "What happened? Why is Wei Ying in this condition?" He asked in concerned.

Lan Wangji recounted the events, explaining the kidnapping and the encounter with Xu Yang, his voice steady but tinged with underlying anger. He detailed Wei Wuxian's current state and how Xiao XingChen had helped them fend off the attackers. He did not mention how he knew Wei Ying was in trouble, and fortunately, no one asked him.

Jiang Cheng clenched his fists, his anger barely contained. "We'll deal with Xu Yang soon enough," he said, his voice filled with determination.

"Leave it to me. I'll handle him in my way," Xiao XingChen, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "I have some things to ask him and clear the matter," he added with a polite smile.

Jiang Fengmian sighed, his expression softening as he looked at Xiao XingChen. "We will entrust this matter to you, Xiao XingChen, as you helped our Wuxian today. For now, let's focus on Wei Wuxian's recovery." He turned to Wen Qing and said, "Wen Qing, your medical expertise is invaluable to us."

Wen Qing nodded gratefully, her relief palpable. Wen Ning also smiled, pleased to see everyone trusting his Shijie, though he remained unaware of her forced involvement.

Lan Wangji stood quietly, his presence a steady reassurance. "I will stay and help ensure Wei Ying's safety," he said firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Jiang Fengmian nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Hanguang Jun. Your presence is a comfort to us all."

The meeting concluded with a shared sense of resolve and a commitment to protect Wei Wuxian and each other. As night fell, the air around Lotus Pier remained tense, but within the Jiang household, a strong sense of unity and determination prevailed.

Lan Wangji was moving towards Wei Ying's room when someone stood in front of him. It was Wen Qing. She looked at him with concern and guilt. Wangji's usual cold expression only increased her panic.

Earlier, when everyone had fallen asleep at the camp, Wen Qing had been contemplating her decision to help Xu Yang. She was acutely aware that her family was in danger, and the only person who could help her was Lan Wangji. So she decided to write a letter to Wangji to inform him about her predicament and how Wei Ying was in danger. She called her spiritual bird, an owl, and sent the message to Gusu.

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